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Catalog Report
British History
[4927] Andrews, William (Ed.). Curious Church Customs and Cognate Subjects . London: William Andrews & Co.,, 8 vo., 274 pp. plus b/w frontispiece and publisher's catalogue. 2nd Edition. 1898. Chapters include: "Sports in Churches"; "Holy Day Customs"; "Church Bells: When and Why They Were Rung"; "Customs and Superstitions of Baptism"; "Marriage Customs"; "Burial Customs"; "Altars in Churches"; "Bishops in Battle"; and more. Dk. Blue cloth with Gold lettering and bevelled edges; t.e.g. Minor edgewear and rubbing; some discolouring of foredges; o/w a VG clean copy. $35.00
[4919] Baker, H. Kendra . Elizabeth and Sixtus: a Seventeenth Century Sidelight on the Spanish Armada . London: C.W. Daniel Company , 12 mo., 268 pp. 1st Edition. 1938. The story of the secret relations between Queen Elizabeth of England and Pope Sixtus V and of the activities of her unofficial ambassador at the Court of Rome. The material is mainly gathered from the writings of Gregorio Leti, the brilliant 17th century Italian historian who had access to invaluable sources of information. Green cloth. Minor edgewear; some fading to top and bottom of spine; paper somewhat discoloured; prev. owner's name on f.e.p.; o/w a VG copy in a Good Only d.j. with some chipping and staining. $20.00
[4913] Bancks, Rev. Gerard W.. Hartley Through the Ages: the Story of a Kentish Village . Hartley Rectory, Longfield, Kent : Self Published, Hard Cover. 8 vo., 173 pp. 1st Edition. 1927. Several b/w photos plus 4 maps, one showing the Churchyard and a list of the tombstones. An interesting history despite the fact that no parish archival information exists prior to the beginning of the 18th century. What was possibly a Cream cloth binding is now stained various shades of Brown; some repaired damage to outer hinges; prev. owner's bookplate on inside front cover; possibly missing a f.e.p.; foredges discoloured; clean contents and overall a G+ copy of this uncommon title. $30.00
[2965] Bennett, W.. History of Burnley to 1400. Burnley, Lancashire: Burnley Corp., 8 vo., 152 pp. 1st Ed. 1946. The first of several volumes tracing and recording the history of Burnley, in northern England. No exact date can be set for when "English" speaking people first arrived in this district and gave the name "Burnley" to a particular place but sometime in the 7th century seems likely. One map included as well as 3 pp. of drawings of artifacts found from the Bronze Age and before. Red cloth. Minor edgewear; lettering on spine somewhat rubbed; some discolouring of endpapers and text; binding a little loose; gift inscription on f.e.p.; still a G+ copy of an interesting book on early English history. $16.50
[855] Briggs, Asa with Miles, Archie. Victorian Portrait, A: Victorian Life and Values As Seen Through the Work of Studio Photographers. New York: Harper & Row, Hard Cover. Sm. folio, 220 pp. (1989) lst U.S. ed. Included are more than 200 photographs(mostly sepia, some in colour); short biographies of some of the major photographers of the day, with examples of their work; notes on collecting antique portrait photographs; and, a chronology of the major events in the history of photography during the 19th century. Wine cloth. Slight edgewear, o/w VG+ in slightly chipped and rubbed VG d.j. $19.00
[4897] Buckland, W.E.. Kent Records. The Parish Registers and Records in the Diocese of Rochester . London: Kent Archaeological Society , 8 vo., 125 pp. plus frontisepiece portrait of Thomas Cromwell. 1912. A summary of information collected by the ecclesiastical records committee of the Rochester diocesan conference, with an Introduction by W.E. Buckland. Laid-in is a booklet: "St. Mary's Church Goudhurst, Kent" with notes by A.W. Macmichael, Vicar, dated 1947. Blue cloth with Gold titling and decoration. Minor edgewear; inner hinges cracked; foredges and topedges discoloured; o/w a G+ to -VG copy. $20.00
[4761] Calder, Angus . Myth of the Blitz . London: Jonathan Cape, 8 vo., 302 pp. plus 20 pp. of illus. and photos. 1st Edition. 1991. The author draws together a rich fabric of recorded but little known anecdotal evidence to account for a remarkable two years (1940-41) in British history. People performed, by and large, as their own "myth' told them they should, stiffened by Churchill's speeches and applause from the "free world". Black cloth. Minor edgewear; small gauge in topedge of rear board; o/w a VG+ copy in a VG+ pictorial d.j. $20.00
[3252] Churchill, Winston (Compiled by Charles Eade) . Victory: the Sixth Volume of Winston Churchill's War Speeches. London: Cassell and Co., Sm. 8 vo., 237 pp. plus 5 pp. of b/w photos. 1st Edition. 1946. A collection of Churchill's 1945 speeches, mostly to the House of Commons and some live world broadcasts. Blue cloth. Minor edgewear; corners mildly bumped; o/w VG+ in a price-clipped G+ d.j. that is rubbed and chipped and has three short taped tears. $22.50
[4196] Clayton, Rev. P.B. And Leftwich, B.R.. Pageant of Tower Hill . London: Longmans, Green and Co., 8 vo., 328 pp. plus colour frontis and 46 other pages of illustration, including two fold-out diagrams, one a Plan of Roman London, another Wyngerde's Panorama of London, 1550. 1st Edition. 1933. A commendation by the Rt. Hon. Lord Wakefield of Hythe, Alderman of the City of London, Lord Mayor 1915-16. This fine book faithfully provides the colourful history of this portion of London and calls for its rejuvenation. This copy INSCRIBED on the half-title by Lord Wakefield of Hythe in Nov. 1933. Brown cloth. Minor edgewear and rubbing; minor fading to small portion of front panel and bottom of spine; scattered minor foxing; the titled tissue overlay for the colour frontis is creased and wrinkled; all edges discoloured; abt. a G+ to -VG copy of this special copy. $40.00
[4458] Collis, Maurice. Siamese White. London: Faber & Faber, 8 vo., 322 pp. plus 12 pp. of b/w illus. and a General Map of the Bay of Bengal. 1st Edition. 1936. The full story of the incredible career of one Samuel White of Bath, who during the reign of James II was appointed by the King of Siam a mandarin of that country, but who used the power with which he was invested to amass a fortune by filibustering. Mr. Collis makes full and effective use of the diary of Francis Davenport in telling this strange story. Patterned Red/Black cloth with Gold lettering and decoration. Minor edgewear; minor foxing of endpapers; coloured topedges faded; o/w a VG copy in a handsomely-illustrated G+ d.j. (usually missing from this volume). $50.00
[1557] Cook, Mrs. E.T.. Highways and Byways in London. Lon.: Macmillan and Co., Sm. 8 vo., 480 pp. plus 4 pp. book ads. 1911, 4th ed. A contemporary review in the Graphic stated: "Mrs. Cook is an admirable guide; she knows her London in and out". Many charming b/w illus. by Hugh Thomson and a few by F.S. Griggs make the book even more enjoyable. Navy cloth with Gilt lettering. Lettering on spine is dull; minor edgewear; corners bumped; minor staining and scratching of foredges; slight foxing of e.p.'s; o/w G+ to -VG. $30.00
[3756] Corbet, Francis L.M.. Biographical Dictionary of Jersey, Volume 2. Guernsey: Societe Jersiaise, Sm. 8 vo., 410 pp. 1998. 1st Edition Thus. Published as a 50th anniversary celebration of the Reverend George R. Balleine's seminal work "A Biographical Dictionary of Jersey (Staples Press, 1948). It contains brief biographies of some two hundred persons whose lives began in Jersey or were intimately connected with the Island. A few have been included as omissions from Balleine's book, as their importance has been realised since 1948. Grey cloth. Minor edgewear; o/w Near Fine in VG+ pictorial d.j. $35.00
[1098] Delderfield, Eric. Stories of Inns and Their Signs. Lon., North Pomfret(VT), Vancouver: David & Charles, 4 to., 105 pp., incl. some photos and many reproductions of signs. (1974) lst ed. Here are many intriguing stories of inns old and new, as well as brief details of some hundreds of inn signs not mentioned in the author's two previous books; together with a section on British-owned pubs abroad, and an account of sign painting which includes profiles of two of the leading British exponents of the art. Black cloth. Slight edgewear and rubbing; 4 pages with corner creases; o/w VG in slightly chipped and rubbed pictorial VG d.j. $18.50
[5128] Diary of a Young Lady of Fashion in 1764-65. King-Hall, Magdalen . London: Folio Society, Hard Cover. Tall 12 mo., 175 pp. 1st Folio Edition. 1982. Originally published in 1925 as the diary of Cleone Knox. Introduction by Frank Delaney. Frontispiece and chapterhead illus. from engravings by Frank Martin. Decorated paper-on-boards with Green cloth spine and Gold lettering. Slight wear to corners; small minor spot on spine; o/w a Near Fine copy in a VG card slipcase with some minor spotting. $23.00
[3560] Doyle, Richard J.. Royal Story, The: From Boadicea to Elizabeth and Her Coronation . Tor. and Winnipeg: Harlequin Books, Abt. 4-1/4 x 6-1/2", 319 pp. 1st Edition Thus, Jan. 1953. #213. Interesting anecdotes of the English monarchs down through history. Glossy card wraps. Considerable wear to covers; prev. owner's name on front cover; paper discoloured as usual; still a G+ copy. $6.50
[4896] Duncan, Leland L. . Testamenta Cantiana: a Series of Extracts from Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Wills Relating to Church Building and Topography. West Kent and East Kent. London: Mitchell Hughes and Clarke , 8 vo., 98 pp. and 426 pp. 1st Edition. 1906. Two books in one. Both with Introductions and extensive Indices. 3 photos in West Kent portion. Blue cloth with Gold lettering and decoration. Minor edgewear and rubbing; prev. owner's name and date on half title; slight discolouration of topedges and foredges; o/w a VG or better copy. $50.00
[3554] Edwardes, Michael. Nabobs at Home, The. London: Constable & Co., 8 vo., 192 pp. plus 12 pp. of b/w photos and illus. 1st Edition. 1991. After the battle of Plassey (1757), the whole of the Indian state of Bengal lay open to th plundering of the victorious British. Many of these British subjects were not particularly discreet back in Britain in displaying their dubiously acquired wealth. Traditional British society called them "nabobs", after the Indian princely title of "nawab" and wanted nothing to do with them. This conflict between classes is the subject of this book, the last before Edwardes' death. Green cloth. Minor edgewear; small remainder mark on bottomedges; minor damage to the bottom margin of two of the illus. pages where they had been stuck together; o/w still a VG copy in a G+ pictorial d.j. $15.00
[5264] Foster, Sally M.. Picts, Gaels and Scots . London: B.T. Batsford, Hard Cover. Sm. 4 to., 128 pp. plus an 8-page colour section of illustrations. 1st Edition. 1996. A title in the "Historic Scotland" series. "Early historic Scotland--from the fifth to the tenth century AD--was home to a variety of diverse peoples and cultures, all compweting for land and supremacy. Yet by the eleventh century the country was a signle, unified kingdom, known as "Alba", under a stable and successful monarchy." The author draws on recent archaeological evidence and historical research to explain how his happened, and when. Many illustrations. Blue cloth. Slight edgewear; o/w a Near Fine copy in a VG+ pictorial d.j. $21.50
[5104] Gleig, Rev. G.R. . Life of Major-General Sir Thomas Munro, Bart.: Vol. 2 and 3 . London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley , Hard Cover. 8 vo., 454 pp. and 437 pp. Vol. 2 and the Supplement Vol. 3. 1830. Volume 2 begins with Munro returning to England and being appointed Governor of Madras. In the Preface of the 3rd Volume, Rev. Gleig acknowledges his mistake of underestimating the popularity of his subject and includes another entire volume of the correspondence of Sir Thomas Munro. Paper-on-boards with Green leather spine and corners. Some chipping and rubbing; endpapers and foredges discoloured; prev. owner's name on f.e.p.'s; contents of both volumes very clean; about G+ to -VG condition. $125.00
[5225] Harris, Roger E.. Islanders Deported: Part 1. Essex and Wiltshire: Channel Islands Specialists Society/Picton Publishing, Abt. 6 x 8-1/4" tall, 226 pp. plus publisher ads. 1980. "The complete history of those British subjects who were deported from the Channel Islands during the German Occupation of 1940-1945 and imprisoned in Europe." These Channel Islanders were the largest group of British people to be interned in Europe by Hitler. Numerous b/w photos. Includes lists of people deported from Jersey and Guernsey to Germany. Black stiff card wraps. Minor edgewear and rubbing; o/w a VG+ copy. $40.00
[3714] Hickman, Katie. Daughters of Britannia: The Lives & Times of Diplomatic Wives . London: Harper Collins, 8 vo., 323 pp. plus 16 pp. of illus. and photos. 1st Edition. 1999. A mixture of poignant biography and marvellously entertaining social history, touching on the lives of nearly a hundred diplomatic wives over three centuries of British diplomacy. Map endpapers. Black cloth. Slight edgewear; poor paper slightly discoloured; o/w VG+ in VG+ pictorial d.j. $15.00
[732] Kaye, M.M.(ed.). Golden Calm, The: an English Lady's Life in Moghul Delhi. Viking Press(A Studio Book), N.Y. 1980. lst U.S. ed., 4 to., 220 pp. incl. a colour portrait frontis. Here are the reminiscences of Emily, Lady Clive Bayley, as a young lady growing to maturity amid the flamboyant finery of the dying Moghul Empire. The addition of over 110 facsimile pages ot the "De hlie Book" compiled by her father, Sir Thomas Metcalfe, complete with reproductions of commissioned illustrations from some of the finest of the Delhi artists makes this a sumptuous book indeed. One beautiful 6-page fold-out illustrates His Maj esty the King of Delhie proceeding in full State to the Ed-Gah or place of sacrifice to celebrate the Festival of the Eed ool Koorban or the Chief Sacrificial Festival. Red cloth with Gold lettering and design. VG+ in slightly chipped and discolo ured VG d.j. $22.50
[3724] Mackenzie-Grieve, Averil. Last Years of the English Slave Trade: Liverpool 1750-1807. London: Frank Cass & Co., 12 mo., 332 pp. plus 8 pp. of illus. Revised Edition with corrections, 1968 (orig. printed in 1941). Part of the Cass Library of African Studies: Slavery Series No. 7. The author sympathetically describes the gradual triumph of the Abolitionists with character studies of the leading figures from both sides of the controversy. Wine cloth. Water damage has bleached the lower 1/8" of the spine and front board and also a little bit of the topedges; minor small stain on foredges (see photo); o/w G+ in VG price-clipped d.j. $35.00
[4685] Mais, S.P.B. (Foreword). 12 Natural Colour Photographs of Cheddar and Cox's Cave: the Home of the Rainbow . London: Colour Photographs (British and Foreign) Limited, Abt. 6 x 9-1/2" tall, 3-page Foreword by S.P.B. Mais plus 12 pages with tipped-on colour photos. n.d. (circa 1940). Direct natural colour photography by the Vivex system. Colour blocks and printing by W.G. Briggs & Co., London. Mais entralls us with his descriptions of the Cheddar Gorge and Cox's Cave, both of which he has visited over a hundred times. A miller named Cox accidently stumbled upon the Cave that bears his name about 1840. Mais describes Cox's Cave as the 8th Wonder of the World, with the 5th Chamber being the most impressive with its delicate and beautiful "Marble Curtain". There are 2 views of Cheddar Gorge, 9 views of the beauty of the 7 Chambers of Cox's Cave, plus a view of "The rockery and waterfall in the grounds of the Cliff Hotel, Cheddar". A desirable item for cave enthusiasts. Blue heavy card wraps, stapled. One corner creased on front cover; some rubbing and discolouring of covers; staples rusting; o/w contents Near Fine. $22.00
[3128] McGowan, Norman. My Years with Churchill . New York: British Book Centre, Sm. 8 vo., 166 pp. plus 20 pp. of b/w photos. 1958. From his position as personal sevant to Winston Churchill for several vitally important years, the author draws a vivid portrait of the man in his personal and private life. Brimming with unforgettable anecdotes. Blue cloth. Minor wear and fading of edges; poor paper a little discoloured; o/w VG in G+ pictorial d.j. with some chipping and taping. $14.50
[3597] McInnes, Ian. Arabella: the Life and Times of Lady Arabella Seymour 1575-1615. London: W.H. Allen, Sm. 8 vo., 190 pp. plus 8 b/w plates. 1st Edition. 1968. An absorbing biography of the niece of Mary, Queen of Scots. Her mind clouded by insanity, and dead by age 40, Lady Arabella was nevertheless a focal point of political intrigue during the time of the Courts of Elizabeth I and James I. Brown cloth. Slight edgewear; minor ding to bottom of spine; o/w a VG+ copy in VG d.j. $16.50
[4878] Milward, Richard . Parish Church Since Doomsday, St. Mary's, Wimbledon. London: Parish of Wimbledon , 4 to., 128 pp. 1st Edition. 1993. Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the present church being consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1843. Numerous photos and drawings. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor edgewear and rubbing; slight stain on f.e.p.; o/w a VG+ copy. $12.50
[3728] Moon, Penderel. Warren Hastings and British India. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 16 mo., 361 pp. 1st Edition. 1947. First arriving in India as an employee of the East India Company and acting as a trader for several years, Hastings became Britain's first Governor-General in India. The story of Hastings in India is the story of Britain in India. Both made their mistakes. Map endpapers. Grey cloth. Minor edgewear; minor soiling of foredges; some bracketing in margins (mostly pencil, but a few in ink); still a G+ copy. $10.00
[3735] Packard, Jerrold M.. Victoria's Daughters. New York: St. Martin's Press, 8 vo., 370 pp. plus 16 pp. of b/w photos. 1st Edition. Nov. 1998. Born to a soverign who ruled over a quarter of the earth's people, Vicky, Alice, Helena, Louise and Beatrice were historically unique sisters. This book is a well-researched, entertaining account of their lives. Blue cloth. Slight edgewear; minor ding to top of spine; o/w VG+ in VG+ price-clipped d.j. $15.00
[3193] Perceval, Percival J.S.. London's Forest: Its History, Traditions, and Romance . Lon. and N.Y.: J.M. Dent & Sons/E.P. Dutton, 12 mo., 280 pp. 1st Edition. 1909. The author has attempted to tell the romantic history of the Essex Forest, as well as the topographical, historical, and official connection which the City of London bears to the forest. The author has also contributed 39 pen-and-ink drawings to illustrate the text. Some of the chapter titles are: "The Kings of England in Their Favourite Hunting-Ground"; "The Queens of England in the Forest--Romantic Associations"; "The Forest of Essex Becomes Epping Forest"; "The Nobles Who Were Forest Officials"; and "The Trees and the Deer--the Lopping and Fuel Rights and the History of the Deer". T.e.g., other edges untrimmed. Green cloth with Gold lettering and decoration. Moderate edgewear and rubbing; some minor foxing; o/w G+ to -VG. $28.50
[3677] Phillips, Hugh. Thames About 1750, The. London: Collins, Sm. folio, 227 pp. 1st Edition. 1951. A topographical and social look at life along the Thames at the middle of the 18th century. Magnificently illustrated with dozens of reproductions from prints, drawings, maps and books in the author's collection. Green cloth with Gold titling on spine. Minor edgewear; some minor spotting to front board; minor staining of topedges and small stain on f.e.p.; gift inscription on f.e.p.; o/w still a solid VG copy of a most interesting book. $21.50
[3564] Prole, Lozania. Emma Hart. Tor. and Winnipeg: Harlequin Books, Abt. 4-1/4 x 6-1/2", 223 pp. 1st Edition Thus, Oct. 1951. #138. A fictional account of Lady Hamilton..."the simple scullery maid from a country village whose beauty and charm brought her swiftly to fortune and an eternal place in history as the mistress of Horatio Nelson". Glossy pictorial wraps. Minor edgewear and rubbing; usual discolouring of the paper; o/w a VG copy with a nice bright image on front cover of Emma seized by two soldiers. $8.00
[1100] Rhys, Ernest. South Wales Coast, The. T. Fisher Unwin, Lon. 1911. lst ed., Lg. 12 mo., 390 pp. plus colour frontis and 34 b/w plates. From "The County Coast Series", "...the long range of coast here described, from the Wye half-way across Cardigan Bay, bordering the land of a hundred castles, offers one of the best holi day regions in all Britain." Red cloth. Minor edgewear; corners bumped; slight fading; o/w G+. $35.00
[4000] Riley, W.. Village in Craven: Pen Pictures of a Yorkshire Village . London: Herbert Jenkins, 8 vo., 265 pp. plus 8-pp. Publisher's Catalogue. 1st Edition. 1925. Settle, Yorkshire, was the old home of Mr. T. Brayshaw, whom both the author and artist thank in the book's Foreword for his contributions to their research. This is Mr. Brayshaw's own copy of this book. It is a very special copy of this book in that there are several unique items pasted or tipped into the beginning of the book on the endpapers and the reverse of the half-title and frontis: Firstly, there is a one page typed letter to Mr. Brayshaw from William Riley and signed in pen "W. Riley". The letter is dated Aug. 27th, 1924 and in it, Riley thanks Brayshaw for sending him a Guide and a cutting from the Craven Herald. He also thanks him for the offer of several fictional books on the Settle district. This letter is affixed to the inside cover and folded so it can be opened and read easily. On the first free endpaper, there are two photographic postcards affixed: the first is a view of W. Riley in his study, the second is a view of the exterior of Riley's home. These postcards are glued down securely so I can't tell if the first one is signed on the back--in the letter, Riley says he has enclosed an autographed postcard for Brayshaw. On the reverse of the free endpaper is a two-page written note to Mr. Brayshaw from the illustrator, Elizabeth (Elsie) Brockbank, dated Nov. 15, 1925, from Greenways, Carnforth. In the letter, Ms. Brockbank tells Mr. Brayshaw that no specific date has been set yet for her and Mr. Riley to visit him in Settle for lunch. She also says she is mailing two books back to him that he lent Mr. Riley. This letter is partially glued down but again, folded for easy reading. There are two more photographic postcards: one of an old-timer with a pistol, identified underneath in writing as "Jim Spence", chimney-sweep and the original of "Blackie-White", the subject of Chapter 3; and, a lovely photo of "The Stepping Stones, Stainforth", depicted overleaf in the colour frontispiece by Brockbank. Two other photographic postcards are laid-in: one shows a man walking stooped over with a cane (this appears to be the basis for Brockbank's depiction in the book of Billy (the Miser) Bickerdike in the illustration facing page 180); and another photo of Jim Spence, this time a full view with his chimney-cleaning brushes over his shoulder. With the extra items, this is probably the supreme copy of this book that anyone could wish to purchase, especially for someone with some connection to the author, artist, Mr. Brayshaw or the Settle area. Green cloth with Black lettering. Minor edgewear; one corner bumped; front inner hinge cracked; couple of pages wrinkled where cards were affixed; a small, minor stain on foredges; o/w a VG clean copy. $125.00
[3761] Robertson, Alan W.. Great Britain: Post Roads, Post Towns and Postal Rates 1635-1839. Pinner, Middlesex: Self Published, Tall 8 vo., 62 pp. 1st Printing Thus. 1961. Reprint of the original. Several maps and illus. Covers the Origin and development of the Horse Posts; The Great Post Roads; The Mail Coach Era 1784-1846; Mail communication across the Irish Sea; Origins of London Penny and Twopenny Posts; Origins of Dublin and Edinburgh Penny Posts: Origins of the Provincial Penny Posts; and of course, the Post Towns of England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Blue cloth. Minor edgewear and rubbing; o/w a VG+ copy. $95.00
[4909] Sabatini, Rafael . Heroic Lives . London: Hutchinson & Co., 8 vo., 287 pp. plus 8 pp. of publisher ads and 16 b/w plates. 1st Edition. 1934. The author presents " succinct form the biographies of six personages, each of whom has left eisther the world or the nation that produced him the richer for his brief passage through it, and whose life held, in greater or lesser degree, the aim of so enriching his fellows rather that himself". Included here are: King Richard I, St. Francis of Assisi, Joan of Arc, Sir Walter Ralegh, Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson, and Florence Nightingale. Illustrated with 16 stiking b/w portraits and scenes by various artists, including Rene Bull. Black cloth with Gold lettering and decoration. Minor edgewear and rubbing; some fading of spine; school award plate on inside front cover; some discolouring of the poor paper; o/w still a G+ to -VG copy. $45.00
[4895] Sheahan, James Joseph . General and Concise History and Description of the Town and Port of Kingston-Upon-Hull . London: Simpkin, Marshall, Sm. 8 vo., 704 pp. Probable 1st Edition. Published 1864. A comprehensive history and study of this "...parliamentary and municipal borough, and market-town, and one of the principal sea-ports in the British empire". Includes an Index and Chronological Table of Remarkable Events from 1013 to 1864. Original Brown cloth Victorian binding. Moderate edgewear; a few short tears at top of spine; inside hinges broken but with the webbed cloth holding well; a little light foxing and some minor discolouring of pages; prev. owner's signature on f.e.p.; still a G+ clean copy of a scarce work. $200.00
[5103] Smith, Lady. Memoir and Correspondence of the Late Sir James Edward Smith: Vol. 2. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman , Hard Cover. Sm. 8 vo., 610 pp. plus several pages of autograph facsimiles of the correspondents, and one engraved plate of rhinoceros horns. 1832. Volume 2 of 2 volumes. Extensive Index included for the two volumes. Paper-on-boards with Green leather spine and corners. Some chipping and rubbing of boards and corners; prev. owner's name on f.e.p.; some discolouring of endpapers; a few page corners turned; contents very clean except for foxing on the rhinoceros horn plate; about a G+ to -Vg copy. $50.00
[2162] Stedman, Douglas C.. Story of Hereward: the Champion of England . London: George G. Harrap, Sm. thick 8 vo., 280 pp. plus publisher's catalogue and 16 striking, full-page, photogravure-like illus. by Gertrude Demain Hammond. 1st Ed. 1910. Drawing on several ancient records, the author has woven an informative and exciting adventure story of the Middle Ages, featuring Hereward, a real man who performed heroic deeds, and is described as a great Englishman who struck the last blow for England. Said to have been killed by 20 Normans, but 16 of them lay dead as well. Green cloth with highly decorative gilt spine and embossed front panel with battle scene. T.e.g. Minor edgewear and rubbing; corners mildly bumped; a few pages roughtly opened with minor margin damage; o/w a clean, very handsome VG copy. $40.00
[3804] Taylor, Rev. James. Age We Live In: a History of the Nineteenth Century from the Peace of 1815 to the Present Time . Edinburgh and Dublin: William Mackenzie, 4 to., 7 volumes, each with about 240 pp. n.d. (1883) 1st Edition Thus. Complete in 7 volumes, with Vol. 7 having the general Index and the census numbers for England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland for 1881. Volume one includes the publisher's Prospectus in which the publisher states: "To produce a History of the age in which we live, which will narrate the chief events, explain the great social movements and benevolent and philanthropic enterprises which have characterized the century, describe the manners and customs, amusements, and domestic live of the people, relate the triumphs of science and the achievements of art, and show how this country is connected in history, not, only with the nations of Europe, but with every country on the face of the earth, is the aim of the Publisher." Also, "The work will be illustrated with a Series of Forty-Two Steel Engravings of Portraits of the most eminent Men of the Century, and of interesting Places and Events, and will be completed in Seven Divisions, handsomely bound in cloth, bevel boards and gilt edges." Also includes in colour: The Plan of the Siege of Sebastopol; Plan of Lucknow; Plan of Delhi; Plan of Battle of CawnPoor; as well as a two-page colour map of Cairo and the Suez Canal to illustrate military operations, 1882. Highly decorative Rust cloth bindings (see photo at left). Moderate edgewear and rubbing; scattered minor foxing but generally very clean throughout; only one broken inner hinge; a VG set. Extra postage applies. $225.00
[3754] Thompson, Neville. Wellington After Waterloo. London & New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, Sm. 8 vo., 303 pp., incl. 12 b/w illus. 1st Edition. 1986. The author follows the Duke of Wellington through three decades after Waterloo in his role as statesman and as an advocate for economic and political change. Blue cloth. Minor edgewear; o/w VG+ in VG pictorial d.j. $15.50
[4922] Various. Archaeologia Cantiana: Being Transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society , Volume XXXIX. Ashford, Kent and London: Headley Brothers, Invicta Press , 8 vo., 226 pp. 1st Edition. 1927. Report for the year ending 31st Dec., 1926, plus articles by various members, including: "On Some Jutish Pottery Found in Kent" by W. Whiting; "Eastry Wills" by Arthur Hussey; "Rochester Cathedral Heraldry Before A.D. 1800", compiled by Paymaster Commander a.W. B. Messenger. Several diagrams and photos. Blue cloth. Minor edgewear; spine faded; o/w a Vg copy. $30.00
[4923] Various. Archaeologia Cantiana: Being Transactions of the Kent Archaeological Society . Ashford, Kent and London: Headley Brothers, Invicta Press, 8 vo., 201 pp. 1st Edition. 1928. Annual Report and Accounts for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1927. Various articles by members, including: "Brasses in Barham Church" by Ralph Griffin; "A Find of Ancient Gold Coins at Westerham" by George C. Brooke; "The De Aldehams" by Gordon Ward; "A Crucifix from West Farleigh" by Aymer Vallance; and "A Note on the Plan of St. Augustine's Abbey Church" by Rev. R. U. Potts. Several photos and a wonderful fold-out plan of St. Augustine's Abbey Church. Blue cloth. Minor wear and fading of edges; spine faded; boards slightly bowed; o/w a G+ copy. $25.00
[3771] Various. Pigot & Co's British Atlas Comprising the Counties of England. London: Bramley Books, Sm. folio, unpaginated. 1997. A first-rate facsimile of Pigot & Co.'s 1840 atlas of the counties of England. A full-page colour map is devoted to every county, with the traditional boundaries clearly marked. As well, an excellent summary essay is given for each individual county with vital historical data from the time of the Industrial Revolution. A large sheet map of England and Wales and part of Scotland is displayed on the endpapers. Glossy paper-on-boards. Slight edgewear; minor Red mark on foredges; o/w VG+ in VG matching d.j. with a couple of short taped tears and minor rubbing and chipping. Slightly extra postage may apply. $36.50
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