For your perusal: a small selection of children's and
illustrated books. This page will be updated every few weeks.
If you're interested in seeing a photo of one of the books
that is not already pictured below, feel free to email me and I'll
send one to you.
1. Adams, Richard. The Iron Wolf and other stories.
Allen Lane. Lon. 1980. 1st Edition. 8 vo., 142 pp.
Adams has collected 19 enchanting folk-tales from almost
as many parts of the world, each with its own special
magic. Each of the tales is presented as being told by
a narrator to one or more hearers at a particular time
and place. Enhanced with several exquisite colour illus.
by Yvonne Gilbert and drawings by Jennifer Campbell.
Brown cloth. Slight edgewear; o/w Near Fine in a
VG+ pictorial d.j. $18.50
2. Andersen, Hans Christian. The Emperor's Nightingale.
Trans. by Erik Haugaard. Schocken Books, N.Y. 1st U.S.
Edition. 1981. 12 mo., unpaginated (33 pp.). A title in
the Moonlight Editions series. Soft pastel watercolours
by French artist Lemoine. The Emperor of China has yet
to learn that the song of the mechanical nightingale will
never replace the real bird. Illus. e.p.'s. Glossy
pictorial boards. Slight edgewear and rubbing; o/w a
VG+ copy in a matching VG price-clipped d.j. $11.50
3. (Angel) Dickey, James. Tucky the Hunter. Crown
Publishers, N.Y. 1978. 1st Ed.. Oblong 8 vo., unpaginated
(42 pp.). The author has written a poem about the mind of
a child as he hunts the animals of the world with a pop-gun
and the snare of his imagination. Exquisitely illustrated in
colour by British artist and calligrapher, Marie Angel. Green
cloth. Slight edgewear and rubbing; boards slightly bowed;
o/w VG+ in VG+ clean pictorial d.j., not price-clipped. $22.50
4. Anno, Mitsumasa. Anno's Twice Told Tales
by the Brothers Grimm & Mr. Fox. Philomel
Books, N.Y. l993. lst U.S. ed. Large 4 to.,
unpaginated. Delightfully illus. by
Mr. Anno with colour on every page.
Glossy pictorial boards. Near Fine in
VG+ pictorial d.j. $ 22.50
5. Barber, Shirley. Teddy's Forest Friends: a set
of 4 delightful stories with the enchanting illustrations
of Australian writer/artist Shirley Barber. The Five Mile
Press, Melbourne, Victoria. Tall 4 to. volumes with
20 pages each. The titles in the set are: "The Pixies'
Kettle House"; Teddy's Midwinter Birthday Party"; "Kite
Trouble"; and "The Moonlight Train Ride". Glossy pictorial
boards. Slight edgewear and rubbing; o/w VG+ copies.
The set $21.00
6. (Barrie) The Story of Peter Pan, retold from Sir J.M.
Barrie's Fairy Play by Daniel O'Connor. G. Bell & Sons,
London. 1951 printing. Sm. 8 vo., 79 pp. plus 20 lovely
plates of charming illustrations by Alice B. Woodward.
8 are in colour, 12 in b/w tones. There are also numerous
in-text drawings by Ms. Woodward and a few bits of music,
complements of John Crook. Striking Green/White endpapers.
Orange cloth with decorative front board. Minor edgewear;
paper a little discoloured; gift inscription on front e.p.
and another on back of frontispiece; o/w a VG+ copy
in a G+ pictorial d.j. with some chipping and several
bits of tape. $24.50
7. (Barrie) Peter Pan & Wendy. Published by Robert
Frederick, Bath. 1998. 1st Edition Thus. Sm. 8 vo., 272 pp.
The original text by James Barrie, with many marvelous, 2-tone
reproduction illustrations from the originals of Gwynedd
M. Hudson. The glossy illustrated cloth boards have the look
of leather; a very handsome binding. Slight edgewear but a
Near Fine copy in a similarly-designed VG+ d.j. $16.50 (SOLD)
8. Baum, L. Frank. The Wonderful World of OZ: a
two-in-one collection including "The Wizard of Oz"
and "The Land of Oz". Galahad Books, New York. 1982.
8 vo., not paginated. A Lemon Tree Press Book.
Facsimile editions with the original illustrations
by W.W. Denslow and John R. Neill (none in colour).
Two classic, magical tales to introduce to the
children in your family. Brown paper-on-boards.
Minor edgewear; the very tip of a few pages bent;
o/w a VG+ copy in a G+ pictorial d.j. with some
chipping and a couple of short taped tears. $17.50
9. Baum. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. An economical
edition by bargain book publisher Konecky & Konecky,
Old Saybrook, Connecticut. 8 vo., 209 pp. A reprint
of the original edition with colour and b/w illus.
by W.W. Denslow. n.d. (1999). 15 colour plates. Glossy
pictorial boards. Slight edgewear; poor paper somewhat
discoloured(but gives it the look of the original);
repaired 3-corner tear in lower half of front hinge
(see photo); o/w a VG or better copy. $10.50
10. Baum. The Wizard of Oz. Adapted and abridged by
Mary Cushing and Dorothea Williams. Grosset & Dunlap,
New York (1962). Probably 1st Edition Thus. Tall
4 to., 61 pp. Certain to be a welcome addition to
any Oz collection. Numerous b/w and colour illustrations
by Claudine Nankivel, including illus. endpapers
and fully-illustrated cloth binding. Minor edgewear
and rubbing; o/w a VG copy. $12.50
11. Baum. Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz. Coles
Publishing Co., Toronto (1980). 4 to., 256 pp.
The original story by Baum with the original illus.
by John R. Neill, including 16 in colour. Green
glossy boards with the same illus. on front and
back covers. Minor edgewear and rubbing; a couple
minor dings to the spine; gift inscription of
f.e.p.; the poor paper used is somewhat
discoloured; o/w a VG copy. $11.50
12. Baum. Ozma of Oz. This edition published by
Books of Wonder and William Morrow & Co., N.Y.
(1989). 1st printing thus. A facsimile of the orig.
Reilly & Britton edition, with 42 of John R. Neill's
full-color illus. and 21 two-colour illus., plus
b/w's. In this third Oz title, Dorothy and Ozma,
the ruler of Oz, plus a menagerie of helpers, try
to outwit the cruel Nome King in order to rescue
the Queen of Ev and her ten children. Colour
pictorial endpapers. Beige cloth with colour
decoration. Slight edgewear; very slight soiling
of foredges; o/w a VG+ copy in VG+ d.j. $27.50
13. Baum. The Wizard of Oz. One of the "Illustrated
Classics" titles published by Robert Frederick
Ltd., Bath, England. In a new marvelous format,
the publisher presents a classic story supplemented
with the illustrations of several artists who
illustrated the book over the years. This title,
"The Wizard Of Oz" has many orig. illus. in b/w
by W.W. Denslow and the 16-pp. picture gallery includes
colour illus. by Denslow and H.M. Brock.
8 vo., 207 pp. plus picture gallery. 1st Ed. Thus. 1995.
Glossy pictorial paper-on-boards with cloth spine.
Minor edgewear and rubbing; o/w Near Fine. $17.50
14. Baum. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the Pennyroyal
Press Edition with outstanding b/w illustrations by
Barry Moser. Univerity of California Press, London,
Berkeley, Los Angeles. This the 1st English Edition.
1986. Sq. 4 to., 268 pp. Illustrated from 62 wood
engravings by Moser. The artist invites us to take a
fresh look at the images of Oz from a new perspective;
for example, the winged monkeys have mechanical wings.
Includes a 12-page "Appreciation" by Justin G. Schiller,
noted Children's Bookseller. Grey cloth with faux
leather spine. Minor edgewear; a few wrinkled pages
appear to be the result of a binder's flaw; small
erasure on Green f.e.p.; o/w a VG or better copy in a
G+ to -VG pictorial d.j. with minor chipping and a
taped 2" tear on front panel. $85.00
15. Baum. The Wizard of Oz, an adaptation of the
original story, especially prepared for younger
readers by Allen Chaffee. Random House Books for
Children, New York (1950). This a later printing,
circa 1960. Tall 4 to., 64 pp. B/w and colour illus.
by Anton Loeb. A delightful introduction to a classic.
Wonderful colour endpapers showing Dorothy riding
the Cowardly Lion and following the Scarecrow, the
Tin Man and Toto down the Yellow Brick road towards
the Emerald Castle. Glossy pictorial boards. Some
edgewear at spine-ends and corners; prev. owner's
name in Name Box on inside front cover; o/w a G+
solid copy. $10.50
16. (Baum) L. Frank Baum, Creator of OZ: a Biography
by Katharine M. Rogers. St. Martin's Press, N.Y. 1st
Edition. Oct. 2002. 8 vo., 318 pp. The author explores
the fascinating life and influences of one of America's
greatest writers for children. A few b/w illus. plus 4
pages of photos. Copious Notes, Index and Bibliography.
Black cloth. Near Fine in Near Fine pictorial d.j. $25.50
17. (Baum) Oz: the Hundredth Anniversary Celebration,
edited by Peter Glassman. Published by Books of Wonder
and Harper Collins, N.Y. (2000) 1st Edition. Tall 4 to.,
55 pp. In this book, 30 beloved children's book authors
and artists pay tribute to the enchanted land of Oz.
Numerous full-page illustrations. Tan paper-on-boards
with Brown cloth spine. Slight edgewear; o/w Near Fine
in a VG+ d.j. $15.50
18. (Baum) The Wizard of Oz. Charles Santore's spectacularly
illustrated version of L.Frank Baum's "The Wizard
of Oz". This is a condensed version from the
original and as such is a 1st Edition by the
Jelly Bean Press, N.Y. 1991. Large 10-1/2 x
13-1/2" format, 96 pp. Introduction by Michael
Patrick Hearne, the leading authority on "The
Wizard of Oz" and author of "The Annotated
Wizard of Oz". As Michael Hearne points out to
us: "Never has the Kansas cyclone seemed more
foreboding, the Deadly Poppy Field deadlier, or
the Emerald City more magnificent than in his
watercolors." This is a truly sumptious book
that children are sure to treasure forever.
Glossy pictorial boards. Slight edgewear;
o/w a VG+ copy with the matching VG d.j. with some
chipping and one taped tear. $33.50
19. (Bayley, Nicola) Boy by Paul Manning. Macmillan,
New York, 1988. 1st U.S. ed. 16 mo., 18 pp. One of the
"Merry-Go-Rhymes" series. Minimal verse, with 8 full-page,
delicate illustrations by Nicola Bayley. Decorated e.p.'s.
Red paper-on-boards with White cloth spine. Slight
shelf-wear, o/w VG+ in slightly chipped VG+ d.j. $11.50 (SOLD)
20. (Bayley) Fisherman by Paul Manning. Macmillan, N.Y.
1988. 1st U.S. ed. 16 mo., 18 pp. One of the "Merry-Go-
Rhymes" series. Minimal verse, with 8 full-page, delicate
illustrations by Nicola Bayley. Decorated e.p.'s. Blue
paper-on-boards with White cloth spine. Slight shelf-wear;
a little loss of colour on f.e.p. where a price was
erased; o/w VG+ in slightly chipped VG+ d.j. $11.50 (SOLD)
21. (Bayley) Nicola Bayley's Book of Nursery Rhymes.
Alfred A. Knopf, N.Y. (1975) Later printing (circa 1977). 4 to.,
unpaginated (32 pp.). A wonderful selection of popular
nursery rhymes with delightful colour illustrations by
Ms. Bayley. Pictorial glossy boards. Minor edgewear;
bookstore stamp on r.e.p.; o/w VG+ in a VG matching d.j.
with $4.95 price. $13.50 (SOLD)
22. (Bayley) "The Mouldy", a fantasy Garden World
threatened by the presence of the evil Mouldy undergound
creature. Written by William Mayne and exquisitely
illustrated in colour by the talented Nicola Bayley.
Published Jonathan Cape, London. 1st Edition. 1983.
Sm. 4 to., unpaginated (32 pp.)
Glossy pictorial boards. Minor dings to top and bottom
of spine; slight edgewear; few minor scratches to rear
cover; o/w a clean VG copy. This English edition published
without d.j. $17.50
23. (Bayley) The Tyger Voyage by Richard Adams. Alfred A. Knopf,
New York. 1st U.S. Edition. 1976. Sm. 4 to., 32 pp. Together,
Richard Adam's story in verse and the rich paintings of Nicola
Bayley lure the reader right through the printed page into the
Victorian parlors and streets, the seas, the jungles, the frozen
mountains and erupting volcanoes and other places where these
two young inexperienced Tygers go. This is the true 1st American
Edition with the price ($6.95) at the top of the front d.j. flap
and the date (9/76) at the bottom of the flap. Glossy pictorial
boards. Slight edgewear and rubbing; o/w a VG+ copy in a matching
G+ pictorial d.j. with minor water damage and slightly faded
spine. $18.50
23a. (Bayley) Another copy of The Tyger Voyage. Alfred A. Knopf,
N.Y. 1976. States 1st U.S. Edition same as above but with later
d.j. that is slightly smaller and does not have a price or date
on flap. Glossy pictorial boards. Slight edgewear and rubbing;
o/w VG+ in G+ d.j. with several short taped tears and slightly
faded spine. $13.50 (SOLD)
23b. (Bayley) Another copy of The Tyger Voyage. This the 1st
English Edition. 1976. Jonathan Cape, London. No d.j. as
issued. Minor edgewear; prev. owner's name and date on f.e.p.;
o/w a VG+ copy. $27.50
24. (Baynes, Pauline) Country Tales by Beatrix Potter. F.
Warne & Co., Lon. 1987. 1st ed. thus. 16 mo., 63 pp.
Comprised of three Potter tales: "Little Mouse",
"Daisy and Double", and "Habbitrot", all originally
published in "The Fairy Caravan" in 1929. These 3 stories
were among several that the group of animals in "The
Fairy Caravan" told each other while they travelled the land,
performing in a magical circus. Wonderfully illustrated
with 26 full-page colour plates by Ms. Baynes, famous for
her illustrations of the "Narnia" series. Glossy pictorial
boards. Near Fine in Near Fine pictorial d.j. $30.00
25. (Baynes) Good King Wenceslas. Lutterworth Press,
Cambridge. l987. lst ed. 8 vo., unpaged. Story and full-page
colour illus. by Ms. Baynes. Glossy illus. boards as
issued. Slight warp to boards, o/w NF. $ 14.00
26. Bemelmans, Ludwig. Madeline and the Bad Hat.
Viking, N.Y. (1956)(1984). Later printing. Tall 4 to.,
54 pp. One of the wonderful Madeline in Paris stories,
written and illustrated in colour by Bemelmans, a writer
and artist of immense talent. Pictorial e.p.'s. Glossy
pictorial boards. Minor edgewear; one corner mildly bumped;
o/w a VG+ copy. $10.50
27. Bemelmans. Madeline in London. Viking Press, N.Y.
(1961)(1989). Later printing. Tall 4 to., 56 pp. Madeline's
friend Pepito and his father, the Ambassador of Spain, move
to London. Madeline and the other girls go for a visit and
end up coming home with a horse. Written and illustrated by
Ludwig Bemelmans. Pictorial e.p.'s. Glossy pictorial boards.
Minor edgewear; o/w VG+. $12.50
28. (Bemelmans) Madeline Paper Dolls: based on the
characters created by Ludwig Bemelmans. Viking, N.Y.
(1994). Abt. 9 x 12" tall. Includes 2 punch-out dolls
(Madeline and her next-door neighbour Pepito), 14 outfits
plus accessories, and an Armoire to cut out and assemble.
Complete Near Fine copy. $12.50
29. (Betts, Ethel Franklin) Babes in Toyland by Glen
MacDonough and Anna Alice Chapin. Macaulay Co., N.Y.
Originally published by Fox, Duffield and Co. in 1904,
this edition is slightly later; no indication but possibly 1910 to 1920. The
story involves a young brother and sister who run away from the home of a mean uncle
and have several adventures before being found by the Widow Piper and
her nursery rhyme children. Numerous b/w drawings, plus 7 colour plates,
2-colour endpapers and paste-on front cover colour illus. all by
Ethel Franklin Betts, a contemporary of Jessie Wilcox Smith in the art
classes of Howard Pyle. Green cloth. Minor edgewear; poor paper somewhat
discoloured; the odd margin smudge; o/w a VG+ copy of a desirable
children's book. $75.00
30. Blaine, John. The Scarlet Lake Mystery: a Rick
Brant Science-Adventure Story. Grosset & Dunlap, N.Y. (1958).
Number 13 in the series featuring Rick Brant and friend
Scotty on an island called Spindrift. This a 1964 printing
with titles on the back cover up to "The Ruby Ray Mystery"
plus "Rick Brant's Science Projects". Pictorial cloth cover.
Minor edgewear and rubbing; slight crease in spine; prev.
owner's name on half-title; o/w still a G+ to VG copy. $12.00
00. Blyton, Enid. Noddy Goes to Toyland. #1. Sampson Low,
Marston and Co., London. c.1949 (reprint circa 1968-70).
12 mo., 61 pp. Mr. Golly appears in 4 of the 8 stories.
Pictures by Beek. Illus. e.p.'s, including Golly. Glossy
pictorial boards. Name in name-box; minor edgewear and
rubbing; o/w a VG or better copy. $15.00
31. Blyton, Enid. Hurrah for Little Noddy. #2. Sampson Low,
Marston and Co.,and Richards Press Ltd. London. n.d. (circa 1968-70).
12 mo., 61 pp. Mr. Golly appears in 5 of the 9 stories.
Pictures by Beek. Illus. e.p.'s. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor
edgewear; inner hinges cracking; still a G+ to VG copy. $14.00
32. Blyton, Enid. Noddy and His Car. #3. New Edition.
BBC Books. 1992. 12 mo., 61 pp. 8 stories in all, revolving
around Noddy's new car and the loss of Mr. Teddy's hat
when he takes a ride in the car. Pictures by Beek.
No sign of Mr. Golly in text or illustration.
Illus. e.p.'s. Glossy pictorial boards. Partially-erased
price on f.e.p.; o/w Near Fine. $8.50
00. Blyton, Enid. Here Comes Noddy Again! (1951) Sampson Low,
Marston and Co.,and Richards Press Ltd. London. n.d. (circa 1968-70).
12 mo., 61 pp. Mr. Golly appears in 4 of the 8 stories
as well as in endpapers and on the front cover.
Pictures by Beek. Illus. e.p.'s. Glossy pictorial boards.
Name in name-box; minor edgewear and scratches; o/w VG. $15.00
33. Blyton, Enid. Here Comes Noddy Again! (original #4).
New Edition. BBC Books. 1992. No sign of Mr.Golly in text
or illustration. Glossy pictorial boards. Partially-erased
price on f.e.p.; o/w Near Fine. $8.50
34. Blyton, Enid. Well Done Noddy!, #5. Sampson Low,
Marston and Co., London. n.d. Not a first printing but about
a 1970 printing with Gilbert Golly on the endpapers and the
dustjacket. 12 mo., 61 pp. 8 stories in all, with all the
familiar characters--Big-Ears, Noddy, Mr. and Mrs. Tubby Bear,
Miss Fluffy Cat and Mr. Plod the Policeman. The stories all
revolve around Big-Ears and his bicycle accident. Illus. e.p.'s.
Glossy pictorial boards. Minor edgewear and rubbing;
name box filled in; o/w VG+ in a G+ d.j.
with some fading of d.j. spine. $15.00
00. Blyton, Enid. Noddy and the Magic Rubber, #9. Macdonald
Purnell, London. 1986 reprint. Golly on cover and endpapers
but otherwise absent from book. The feature character with
Noddy is Bert Monkey who stole a magic rubber from his
Grandmother. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor edgewear; couple
of pages with turned corners; inner front hinge cracking;
o/w a G+ copy. $10.00
35. Blyton, Enid. Noddy and the Bumpy Dog, #14. Sampson Low,
Marston and Co., London (1957). Not a first printing but an
early printing with both George and Gilbert Golly present in
"Noddy Has a Busy Day", also on the endpapers and front cover.
12 mo., 61 pp. 8 stories in all, with all the familiar
characters--Big-Ears, Noddy, Golly, Mrs. Tubby Bear and
Mr. Plod--plus a new character in Toy Village, little
Bumpy Dog. Illus. e.p.'s. Glossy pictorial boards.
Covers have some wrinkles and also chipping of corners
and ends of spine; couple of small crayon marks;
abt. a Good to G+ copy. $8.50
37. Blyton, Enid. Noddy Annual 2002. Pedigree Books,
Exeter. 2001. Tall 4 to., 109 pp. New stories based on
Enid Blyton's original Noddy character but minus Golly
and some others, these replaced by new characters,
including a black doll named Dinah. Includes puzzles
and games. Glossy pictorial boards. Slight edgewear and
rubbing; o/w a VG+ copy. $10.00
38. Bobby Bear's Annual. Another wonderful English
annual, this one was published from 1922 to 1969
by Dean & Son, London. The annual shown here
is undated but it has a gift inscription for 1952. Abt.
7-3/4 x 10-3/4", 92 pp. The adventures of
a small, brown bear who dressed in short trousers held
up by braces. This volume has several stories told by
Arthur Groom. Early annuals were illustrated by Dora
McLaren but Wilfred Haughton took over in the 1930's.
The majority of the illustrations are in colour.
The feature story is "Bobby the Golfer", 5 illustrated
pages plus a frontispiece. Other stories have Bobby Bear
and his friends skating, swimming, dancing, horseracing,
car-racing, and solving mysteries. There are also games
and puzzles (not completed). Illustrated endpapers.
Paper on boards with Yellow cloth spine. Some chipping
and small piece of bottom corner of paper picture on
front cover missing; couple of corners bumped; minor
foxing of endpapers; o/w a nice G+ or better copy. $17.50
39. Bowmans, Godfried. The Wily Witch and All the Other
Fairy Tales and Fables. Stemmer House Publishers,
Owings Mills, Maryland. 1978. 2nd printing of this
English translation by Patricia Crampton. Sm. 4 to.,
206 pp. The entire, dearly-loved collection of work
by modern Dutch master Bomans. A rich tapestry of
stories featuring kings and queens, wizards and witches,
spells and other magic. Published in the Netherlands
as "Groot Sprookjesbock". Perfectly complementing the
stories are the superbly wrought illus. by young Dutch
artist Wouter Hoogendijk, sure to delight children of
all ages. Illus. e.p.'s. Silvery paper-on-boards with
Blue cloth spine. Minor edgewear; minor scratch on
front board; o/w VG+ in G+ pictorial d.j. $14.50
40. (Bock, Vera) The Peacock Country by P. Alston Waring.
Decorated by Vera Bock. John Day Co., N.Y.(1948) 1st ed.
8 vo.,100 pp. Includes 4 full-page, b/w illus. by Vera
Bock plus many half-page chapter-head illus. and other
decorations. In India there is a bond between people and
animals such as is rarely found elsewhere in the world.
Thus, the stories in this book are the stories of the
lives of animals woven into the lives of people. Grey
cloth. Slight edgewear; minor discolouring of pages;
o/w VG in G+ d.j. that's taped, chipped and price-
clipped. $17.50
41. Bouchard, David. A Barnyard Bestiary. Orca
Books. Victoria, B.C. (1999) 1st Edition. Tall 4 to.,
unpaginated (31 pp.). Poetry by Bouchard examines
the deteriorated relationship between certain domestic
animals--some common, some rare--and man. 12 colour
illus. by Kimball Allen capture the exotic and unique
nature of each of the subjects. Rust cloth. Slight
edgewear; o/w Near Fine in VG+ pictorial d.j. $12.50
42. Brown, Margaret Wise. Animals in the Snow. Hyperion
Books for Children, New York. 1st Edition (1995). Sm. 4 to.,
unpaginated (32 pp.). Children from 2 to 5 will delight in
the simple repetitive text of this charming story. One of
the 100 warm, entertaining books that Margaret Wise Brown
created for children. Cheerful, colourful illustrations on
every page by Carol Schwartz. Glossy pictorial boards.
Slight edgewear; minor ding to bottom of spine; minor
wrinkling to f.e.p.; o/w a VG+ copy in a matching VG d.j.
43. Browning, Robert. An exquisite miniature edition of "The
Pied Piper of Hamlin", based on the poem by Robert
Browning. Published by Whitman, Racine, Wisconsin.
(1934). Abt. 3 x 3-5/8" tall, 39 pp. Many b/w illus.
by an unnamed artist. Heavy card pictorial wraps.
I've seen this advertised once as a cereal premium but I'm
not so sure that's correct. I think it was just part
of an inexpensive series of classics printed by Whitman
in the Depression era. Minor rubbing and
chipping of covers; the poor paper is somewhat discoloured;
o/w a nice, tight, VG+ clean copy of a fragile item. $30.00
44. Burgess, Thornton. Buster Bear's Twins, title
#4 in "The Green Forest Series". Grosset & Dunlap,
N.Y. (1923). Possibly slightly later edition (gift
inscription on back of frontispiece for Christmas
1948), but definitely an early edition with the
solid Blue cloth boards and the 4 b/w Harrison Cady
illustrations on glossy paper. Lovely scene in Green
on endpapers. Some edgewear; o/w a very clean VG
copy in a G+ pictorial d.j. with a few short taped
tears. $20.00
45. Burgess, Thornton. The Adventures of Chatterer
the Red Squirrel. McClelland & Stewart, Tor. (1943)
Later printing. 16 mo., 120 pp. #9 of the "Burgess
Bedtime Stories" series. 2 full-page b/w drawings
and small drawings at end of each chapter.
Illustrated endpapers. Blue cloth with Red pictorial
d.j. Abt. a 1/2" tear in top margins of most pages;
gift inscription on front endpaper for 1962;
minor edgewear; a -VG copy in VG d.j. $12.00
46. Burgess, Thornton. "The Little Burgess Animal
Book for Children", with b/w and colour
illus. by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. Based on the larger
original edition "The Burgess Animal Book for Children".
Rand McNally and Co., Chi. 12 mo., 64 pp. (1941).
Here are all the well-known character names from the
popular Burgess storybooks, such as Paddy the Beaver,
Peter Rabbit, Bobby Coon, Jimmy Skunk and Billy Mink,
combined with a realistic illus. by Fuertes and a
half-page to a page description of each animal as it
appears in real life. An entertaining and educational
little book for little folks. 48 animals are covered,
over half illus. in colour and the rest in b/w. Paper-
covered pictorial boards. Minor edgewear and rubbing;
prev. owner's name and address in pencil on f.e.p.'s;
o/w a VG copy of this little treasure. $22.50
47. (Circus) Circus by Linda Granfield. A Groundwood
Book by Douglas & McIntyre, Toronto and Vancouver (1997).
1st Edition. Oblong 4 to., 96 pp. This first comprehensive
look at the history of The Circus for children is full of
intriguing sidebars and lavishly illustrated with archival
and contemporary photos, artwork and posters, providing an
inside look at this dazzling and daring entertainment.
Orange cloth. Minor edgewear; one corner bumped; o/w VG+
in VG pictorial d.j. with some edgewear.
This copy INSCRIBED by the author. $25.50
48. (Circus) How the Animals Came to the Circus
by Elizabeth Gale. Rand McNally & Co., Chicago and
New York. 1934 Edition. 12 mo., 64 pp. A collection
of stories about how an individual bear, horse,
tiger, monkey, parrot, polar bear and seal all found
themselves as part of a travelling circus. Warner
Carr contributed 9 full-page colour illus. plus
numerous b/w drawings. Glossy paper-on-boards with
illustration of front panel. Moderate edgewear and
rubbing; small stain and some writing on f.e.p.'s;
o/w still a G+ to -VG copy. $12.00
49. Collodi, Carlo. Walt Disney's version of Pinocchio,
based on the story by Collodi, with illustrations from the
motion picture. Random House, N.Y. (1939) 3rd Printing.
Tall 4 to., unpaginated (72 pp.). Pinocchio has been
hailed as Disney's greatest film. The book was first
published in 1939 just prior to the 1940 film release,
and it is illustrated with the story sketches and
animation roughs on which the Pinocchio animation was
based. 34 colour illustations and 174 pictures in all,
including the half-page-deep but two-page-wide colour
illus. of Monstro the whale about to swallow Pinocchio.
Illustrated endpapers. Pictorial paper-on-boards with
Blue cloth spine. Moderate chipping; corners bumped;
previous owner's name on title page; o/w still a G+
or better copy of this circa 1940 printing. $43.50
50. Collodi, Carlo. The Wonderful 1989 Facsimile Edition
of Walt Disney's version of Pinocchio as described above.
Published by Harry Abrams, N.Y. Features a 4-page
Introduction by Maurice Sendak. Glossy pictorial boards
with Blue cloth spine and matching d.j. Slight edgewear;
gift inscription on f.e.p.; o/w VG+ in a VG+ d.j. $25.00
51. (Collodi) Walt Disney's Pinocchio, adapted from
Collodi by Dorothy Walter Baruch and illustrated in colour
by the Walt Disney Studio. D.C. Heath and Co., Bos. (1940).
Sm. 8 vo., 90 pp. Illus. e.p.'s. One of the series "Walt
Disney Story Books" published by D.C. Heath. Pictorial
Blue and Tan cloth. Minor edgewear and light soiling; black
mark across lower portion of front board (see photo); gift
inscription from 1943 on f.e.p.; a few minor smudges in
margins; still a G+ to -VG copy of this version fondly
remembered by many Pinocchio fans. $33.00
52. Collodi. Walt Disney's Pinocchio, adapted from the
film by Gina Ingoglia and with colour illus. by Gil Dicicco.
Disney Press, N.Y. (1992) 2nd printing. Sm. 4 to., 90 pp.
An acceptable version of Collodi's classic tale. A full-
colour illus. on more than half the pages. Glossy pictorial
Orange boards. Slight shelf-wear; one corner mildly bumped;
o/w VG+ in VG+ pictorial d.j. $12.00
53. Collodi, Carlo. The Adventures of Pinocchio: the Story
of a Puppet. Published in Vancouver, British
Columbia by Simply Read Books, 2002. 1st Ed. Thus.
Printed and bound in Italy. Marvellously
illustrated in colour and b/w by Bulgarian artist Iassen
Ghiuselev (see above). Tall 4 to., 153 pp. A newly
revised text based on the translation by Carol della
Chiesa. Recognized by the American Institute of Graphic
Arts as one of the 50 Best Books of 2002.
A beautiful edition to treasure forever. Glossy
Red cloth with Silver stamping and Brown cloth spine.
Illustrated endpapers. Fine in Near Fine
woodgrain-like d.j. Now out of print. This copy
with a bookplate SIGNED
by the artist, Ghiuselev. $55.00
NOTE: see my Alice in Wonderland page for another
wonderful book from this talented artist, and also
Ruskin's "King of the Golden River" below.
54. (Collodi) Pinocchio: a Classic Illustrated
Edition compiled by Cooper Edens. Chronicle Books,
San Francisco. 1st Edition. 2001. Distributed in
Canada by Raincoast Books, Vancouver. Tall 4 to.,
173 pp. An especially nice edition of the timeless
tale of adventure, heart, mischief and family.
The text retains much of the content, spelling
and grammar of the original 1892 English language
edition. Cooper Edens has scoured his own vast
book collection to choose dozens of images from
the works of such renowned illustrators as Italy's
Enrico Mazzanti, Carlo Chiostri, Attilio Mussino
and Luigi E. Maria Augusta Cavalieri; America's
Maria L. Kirk, Alice Carsey and Frederick Richardson;
and England's Charles Folkard. The deep variety and
rich expressionism of these artists enriches the
telling of the story. Illustrated endpapers. Glossy
pictorial boards. Near Fine in Near Fine matching
pictorial d.j. $21.50
55. (Collodi) Pinocchio. Tormont Publications,
Toronto. Zapp Graphic design did the colour illustrations,
Carol Krenz shortened Collodi's text. (1995) Tall 4 to.,
61 pp. A few lines of text and a colour illus. on every
page. Ideal for younger fans. Glossy pictorial boards.
Minor edgewear and rubbing; o/w VG+. $10.50
56. (Collodi) Pinocchio by Ed Young, adapted from
the original version of "The Adventures of Pinocchio",
trans. by M.A. Murray and published in the UK by Unwin
in 1892. Philomel Books, N.Y. (1996) 1st Edition Thus.
Tall 4 to., 45 pp. Ed Young's version of this classic
tale is like no other, valuing Collodi's original text
and giving it full and hearty play upon the stage of
his unique, collage-style art...a 3-D look that will
enthrall lovers of puppets and children and adventure.
The book is arranged in scenes, and Young states that
he hopes his version of Pinocchio will encourage people
of all ages to come to the stage. So meet the cast:
Pinocchio, Geppetto, Fox and Cat, Fire-Eater, Cricket,
Blue Fairy, Candlewick, and Dogfish. Illus. e.p.'s.
Glossy Blue boards with a different collage on front
and rear panels. Slight edgewear; o/w Near Fine in
VG+ d.j. (see photo). $15.50
57. Crane, Walter. Mr. Michael Mouse unfolds
his tale. Merrimack Publishing Group, N.Y.(1956).
Later printing, circa 1962-63. Abt. 5-1/2 x 8" tall,
unpaginated (35 pp.). A charming story by world-
renowned Victorian illustrator Walter Crane. Never
published previous to 1956 when it was issued in a
limited edition of 300 copies. Reproduced from
the original manuscript in the collection of Mrs.
Catharine T. Patterson, with Permission of
the Yale University Library. A colour illus. on
every page, with minimal text in the hand of Crane.
Stiff card wraps. Minor edgewear and soiling;
o/w a VG copy. $25.00
58. Crane, Walter. The Baby's Bouquet: a
Fresh Bunch of Old Rhymes & Tunes. Arranged and
decorated by Walter Crane. Cut and printed in
colours by Edmund Evans. This copy a facsimile
published in 1994 by Robert Frederick, Bath.
1st Edition thus. 12 mo., 39 pp. 10 full-page
colour illus. by Crane as well as Crane's decorations
on every other page. White padded pictorial boards. Minor
ding to top of spine; old price erased from f.e.p. leaving mark;
o/w a VG+ copy of this Victorian classic. $14.50
NOTE: See my other Walter Crane items on
my recent arrivals page.
59. Damjan, Mischa. The Clown Said No. North-
South Books, N.Y., Tor., Lon., Melbourne. 1st Can./American
Edition (1986). Translated into English by Anthea Bell.
Tall 4 to., unpaginated (34 pp.). "Unhappy with their
acts in the circus, six friends leave to form a circus
where they can give the performances they want."
Bold, colourful illustrations by Jozef Wilkon.
Glossy pictorial boards. Slight edgewear and rubbing;
o/w a Near Fine copy. $15.00
60. de Paola, Tomie. The Art Lesson. Aurum Books
for Children, London. 1989. 1st English Edition. 4 to.,
unpaginated (32 pp.). Tommy loves to draw but when he
starts school he discovers that he has to copy what
the teacher draws. A compromise is finally achieved.
A warm story that shows the importance of developing
individuality and fostering talent. Colourful illus.
by the author. Glossy pictorial boards. Near Fine in
a VG+ matching pictorial d.j. $20.00
61. (de Paola) Alice Nizzy Nazzy: the Witch of
Sante Fe by Tony Johnston. Scholastic, N.Y., Tor. 1st
Scholastic printing, 1996. Author and artist, Tomi
de Paola, transform Baba Yaga's traditional surroundings
of the wild woods of Russia into the dry desert of
New Mexico to create an entertaining America witch story.
The local children were told not to go near Alice
Nizzy Nazzy or she would eat them up. Manuela finds
a way to outwit the witch and save her sheep. Wonderful
colour illus. by de Paola. Thick card pictorial wraps,
stapled. Slight chipping and rubbing; one short crease
at spine; o/w a VG+ copy. $7.00
62. (Dionne Quintuplets) The Story of the Dionne
Quintuplets, Authorized Edition: the Five Little
Dionnes and How They Grew. Whitman Publishing,
Racine, Wisconsin (1935). Sq. 4 to., 40 pp. Dozens
of exclusive NEA Service photographs of the most
famous quints ever born. The brief story of their
birth, their family, their doctor and their progress
in the first year. The girl babies were christened
Marie, Yvonne, Emelie, Cecile and Annette. Heavy
card pictorial wraps. Minor chipping and light
soiling of covers; prev. owner's name written at
top of front cover; o/w a VG+ copy. $37.50
63. Ellis, Edward S. Ned in the Woods: a Tale of the
Early Days in the West. Cassell & Co., Lon., N.Y., Tor.
n.d. (circa 1920's). Sm. 8 vo., 290 pp. An early adventure
story for boys, set in America and relating the exploits
of young Ned Preston, his black friend Wildblossom Brown
and Shawanoe Indian friend Deerfoot. Colour frontis and
4 b/w plates. Blue cloth with decorative spine and front
panel. Minor edgewear; minor soiling of foredges; o/w a VG copy.
64. (Fairies) Fairyland Secrets by Deborah Latimer.
The Book Company, Sydney, Australia. 1st Australian
Edition (2000). Oblong 4 to., unpaginated (20 pp.).
A magical secret envelope book (Sequel to Fairy Secrets).
Lucy meets Beau, the magic frog prince and together
they set out on their quest to save the fairies'
happiness. Many fairy secrets are revealed along the
way, hidden inside 12 envelopes. Glossy pictorial
boards. Minor edgewear and rubbing; o/w a VG+ copy. $12.50
65. (Fairies) The Secret Life of Fairies by Penelope
Larkspur. Kids Can Press, Toronto. 1st Can. Edition (1999).
Tall 4 to., 32 pp. Open your eyes to another world!
"Explore day-to-day fairy life and meet fairy relatives
from all over the globe. Learn about the fairies' special
gifts and individual powers." Warm, fanciful, colour
illus. by Leslie Elizabeth Watts. Glossy pictorial
boards. Slight edgewear; o/w Near Fine in matching
VG+ d.j. $10.50
66. Feaver, William. When we were young: two centuries
of children's book illustration. Thames & Hudson, London
(1977). Tall 4 to., 96 pp. A scholarly look at children's
books and their illustrators from 1800 to the 1950's. An
excellent reference book for the beginner to introduce
him or her to the wide array of illustrative styles both
in North America and Europe. 123 illustrations, including
44 in colour. Stiff pictorial wraps. Minor edgewear;
corners mildly bumped; covers lightly soiled; still a
-VG copy of a valuable resource. $11.00
67. Fujikawa, Gyo. Come Follow Me...the the Secret World of
Elves and Fairies and Gnomes and Trolls. Grosset & Dunlap,
N.Y. 1989 edition. Tall 4 to., unpaginated (72 pp.). A
enjoyable collection of stories and poems with the charming
colour and b/w illustrations of popular artist Fujikawa.
Glossy pictorial boards. Minor edgewear and rubbing; name
printed in ownership box; slight smokey odour; o/w
a VG copy. $8.50
68. Fyleman, Rose. Fairies and Chimneys. Doubleday,
Doran and Co., New York. 1929. 12 mo., 62 pp. A delightful
collection of poems by the popular Ms. Fyleman. Colour
frontispiece; illustrated endpapers by Thelma Gullipp
Grosvenor. Blue cloth, decorated. Some edgewear and
light soiling of covers; gift inscription on f.e.p.;
the poor paper used is somewhat discoloured; abt. a
G+ copy. $15.00
69. Gee, H.L. Two titles in the notable "Twins" series by
H.L. Gee. These are "strip" books, published by Brockhampton
Press, Leicester. "The Twins of London" is a 1st ed., printed
in 1950, and illustrated by Wynne. "The Twins
on Holiday" has no date, so is probably a reprint
but also published in the early 1950's; illus.
by Olive F. Openshaw. Each book has 2 frames
of illus. per page with text underneath. Heavy
card covers, stapled with cloth spines. Other
books published by this publisher are advertised
on the rear covers, including the "Mary Mouse"
series by Enid Blyton. The covers have moderate
soiling; "London" has a brown stain in the top
margin of many pages; "Twins" has creases in the
front and rear covers; both books have some edgewear
and some minor margin stains; someone has done a little
colouring on the front covers of both as well; about Good
to Good+ overall, but still acceptable examples
of these "strip" books which generally were read
a lot and many just literally fell apart. "Twins
on Holiday" measures abt. 6 x 2-3/4", 64 pp.; "Twins in
London" is slightly smaller but 66 pp. The Pair $45.00
70. Goodall, John S. Before the War: 1908-1939. An
autobiography in pictures. Macmillan, Lon. 1981. lst
ed. Oblong sm. 8 vo., unpaginated. Not originally
intended for publication, this book was painted by
Goodall as a present for his wife. Unlike his other
works, this book is a strict record of fact; it
depicts in charming detail the events of the artist's
career. Another delightful and colourful work of
art. Brown paper-on-boards with Gold decoration
and lettering. Slight edgewear and a minor bang to
bottom of spine, o/w VG+ in a VG pictorial d.j.
with some chipping and rubbing. $18.50
71. Goodall, John S.. Midnight Adventures of Kelly, Dot,
and Esmeralda. New York: Margaret K. McElderry, Oblong
sm. 8 vo., unpaginated. Revised jacketed edition. 1999. 1st
Thus. John Goodall was one of the absolute masters on
wonderful text-less books for children. This is another
charming book featuring Kelly the koala bear, Dot the doll
and Esmeralda and engaging mouse. Turn the half-pages to
change the scene on the full page illustrations on either
side. A delightful book to share with children. Glossy
pictorial boards. Near Fine in Near Fine matching
pictorial d.j. $11.50
72. Goodall, John S. Paddy Pork to the Rescue.
Andre Deutsch, Lon. 1st Edition. 1985. Oblong 12 mo.,
unpaginated. One of Goodall's original text-less books
with the half-pages that change the scene on either side.
Paddy Pork is walking down the street when he hears
a scream and he enters a house to find a robbery in
progress. He pursues the bandit relentlessly until he
finally corners him and retrieves the stolen jewels.
Great fun! Glossy pictorial boards. VG+. $20.00
73. Goodall, John S. The Story of a Farm. Margaret
McEldery Books, N.Y. 1st U.S. Edition (1989). Oblong
8 vo., unpaginated. A stunning account in pictures only
of an English farm from the early Middle Ages to the
Present Day. Goodall's trademark half-pages create
twice as many scenes. Green cloth. Minor edgewear;
a whited-out inscription on f.e.p. with a white
sticker over it; o/w VG+ in a VG+ pictorial d.j.
with some minor chipping and rubbing. $25.00
74. Goodall, John S. Victorians Abroad. Macmillan,
Lon. 1980. 1st ed. Oblong sm. 8 vo., unpaginated.
Another wonderful no-text volume from Mr. Goodall.
The Victorians enjoyed travelling and in this book
we are allowed to share their pleasures: from the
pictures depicting the Grand Tour in the 1840's to
a voyage to India in the 1890's. Brown paper-on-
boards with Gold decoration and lettering. Minor
edgewear and a little rubbing, o/w VG in a G+
pictorial d.j. with slight chipping and some
staining that shows only on the inside. $18.50
75. Gorey, Edward. The Headless Bust: a melancholy
meditation on the false millennium. Harcourt,
Brace & Co., N.Y., Lon., San Diego. 1st Edition
(1999). Oblong 12 mo., unpaginated (63 pp.). Edmund
Gravel and Bahhumbug and others return to take a
peek into the new century. 30 illustrations in
Gorey's inimitable style. Glossy pictorial boards.
Near Fine in Near Fine d.j. $13.50
76. Gorey, Edward. The Epiplectic Bicycle. Peter
Weed Books, New York. n.d. (possibly 1993). Original
copyright 1969. Oblong 8 vo., unpaginated (64 pp. of
which half are blank). "An intrepid voyage of epic
proportion with a hero unequaled in the annals of
literature." Gorey's cryptic text and unusual illus.
tell the very short story of a brother and sister
who rode a bicycle on a quest for adventure, only
to return home and find an obelisk raised to their
memory 173 years ago. Green decorated paper-on-
boards. Slight edgewear; minor ding to top of spine;
small crayon mark on f.e.p.; o/w VG+ in a VG+
price-clipped, pictorial d.j. $16.50
77. Grannan, Mary. Maggie Muggins and Mr. Garrity.
Thomas Allen Ltd., Toronto. 3rd Edition. 1960. 12 mo.,
152 pp. Another CBC radio character from the 1950's...
a little girl with freckles on a turned-up nose and
with two pigtails the colour of brand new carrots.
Here is a collection of 10 stories illustrated in b/w
by Pat. Patience. Blue cloth. Minor edgewear; o/w
VG+ in a G+ pictorial d.j. $12.50
78. Grannan, Mary. More Just Mary Stories. Frederick
Warne, Lon. 1959. 1st Eng. Ed. Sm. 8 vo., 128 pp.,
incl. many b/w drawings by Jennetta Vise. "Just Mary"
worked for the CBC in Canada and the stories in this
book were first written for children's broadcasts.
Yellow cloth with Brown lettering and decoration.
Slight edgewear; a few pages mildly wrinkled at
bottom; o/w VG+ in price-clipped G+ pictorial d.j.
that has minor chipping and a couple of pieces of
tape applied. $20.00
79. Grannan, Mary. Just Mary Blue Stories. Thomas
Allen, Toronto (1950). Sm. 8 vo., 148 pp., incl.
several b/w illustrations by Pat. Patience. "Just Mary"
worked for the CBC in Canada and the stories in this
book were first written for children's broadcasts.
Some of the stories included are: "The Legend of the
Christmas Angel"; "Santa Claus' Second Ride"; "The
Valentine Princess"; "Little Boy Green"; "Anthony
Brown's Best Friend"; "The Silliest Tale Ever Told";
"Melinda and the Giant"; and, "The Lazy Dragon";
plus 4 more. Cream cloth with Blue lettering. Minor
edgewear and discolouring of covers and foredges;
front endpaper missing; o/w a G+ or better copy. $11.50
80. (Greenaway) The Illuminated Language of Flowers
with a text by Jean Marsh. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
N.Y. and Tor. (1978) 2nd printing of this edition.
Oblong 4 to., 78 pp. Filled with the original, delightful
illustrations of Kate Greenaway. This amusing and
entertaining book presents one of the most enchanting
customs of the early 19th century--communicating through
flowers instead of words. Includes English verse and
an alphabetical list of over 700 flowers and plants and
their meanings. Beige cloth. Slight edgewear; prev.
owner's name on f.e.p.; o/w a VG+ copy in a G+ pictorial
d.j. with minor chipping and rubbing and a few short,
taped tears. $13.50
81. (Greeenaway) Mother Goose, or The Old Nursery
Rhymes. Frederick Warne and Co., Lon. and N.Y. n.d.
(circa 1960's) Narrow 12 mo., 53 pp. This copy has
very good reproductions of Greenaway's sweet, delicate
illustrations from the original 1881 edition.
Decorative Yellow cloth. Slight edgewear; minor ding
to top of spine; o/w a VG+ copy in a matching VG
d.j. with $1.95 and 8 shillings pricepoints. $15.50
82. (Greenaway) "The Queen of Pirate Isle" by Bret
Harte. Frederick Warne & Co., London and New York. This
is the handsome 1955 reprint edition, exquisitely illustrated
by Kate Greenaway with numerous full-page and in-text
colour drawings. There's no mistaking "Greenaway children"
regardless of the story. Ms. Greenaway had some trouble
illustrating this American story of youngsters who discover
the famous old lode of Red Mountain, a legendary gold vein
in the California hills. The story required research on
her part and she had to draw an Oriental character, Wan Lee,
the only Oriental character she was to ever draw. Her great
friend John Ruskin helped her through this time of great
strain and frustration. Although Ruskin pronounced the
finished product "lovely", the book was published to
mixed reviews. Tan cloth with paste-on illus. on front
panel. Minor edgewear and rubbing; one corner bumped;
some discolouring of endpapers; top corner of pp. 21-22
turned; o/w a VG or better clean copy. $28.50
83. (Greenaway) "The Royal Progress of King Pepito" by
Beatrice F. Cresswell. Published by S.P.C.K., Lon. and
E. & J.B. Young, N.Y. n.d. (1889) 1st U.S. edition.
Sm. 8 vo., 48 pp. This book was a critical failure when
published but is sought-after now for the 12 exquisite
colour illus. by Kate Greenaway. Engraved and printed by
the great Edmund Evans. This copy has recently received
a replacement spine of Black cloth contemporary with the
original printing, the work having been done by a fine
Vancouver binder. Otherwise the book is G+ to -VG with
moderate chipping and staining plus discolouring of
the poor paper used. But the illustrations are as bright
as the day they were printed. $85.00
84. (Greenaway) The Kate Greenaway Doll Book by
Valerie Janitch. David & Charles, Newton Abbot,
Devon. 1989. 1st pb edition. Abt. 7-1/2 x 10-1/4"
tall, 116 pp. These designs recreate the enchanting
Kate Greenaway style from the 1880's. Simple-to-
make dolls with the prettiest of outfits for every
occasion. Also designs for a few pieces of period
furniture. The dolls are made from felt and each has
a slim figure to show off the high-waisted, Kate
Greenaway-style dresses. The patterns are actual size.
Several full-page colour illustrations showing the
dolls in Victorian settings plus small reproduction
drawings throughout of Greenaway's characters.
Glossy pictorial stiff card wraps. Slight edgewear
and rubbing of covers; o/w a VG+ copy. $13.50
NOTE: See my Greenaway "Book of Games" on the "new
arrivals" page.
85. (Grimm Brothers). Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm
with 6 gorgeous colour plates (one on the cover) by
Hope Dunlap. A Windermere book by Rand McNally & Co., N.Y.,
1939 ed. Contains 36 of the most popular fairy tales
by the Grimm Brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm. Illus. e.p.'s.
Black cloth with Silver decoration and titling and a
beautiful colour illus. pasted onto the front cover.
Minor edgewear; some darkening and foxing of topedges;
o/w a VG+ copy in a G+ copy of the often-missing
pictorial d.j. $90.00
86. (Hague) Aesop's Fables. Selected by Michael Hague. Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, N.Y. (l985) lst ed. 4 to., 27 pp.
Charming full-page colour illus. for each fable by author.
Brown cloth. Slight edgewear, o/w Near Fine in Near
Fine d.j. $ 20.00
87. (Hague) The Children's Book of Virtues. Edited
by William J. Bennett. Simon & Schuster, N.Y., Lon.
Tor., et al. Tall 4 to., 112 pp. Selections from
Aesop, Robert Frost, George Washington's life, as
well as Native American and African folklore, this
book brings together timeless stories and poems from
around the world, especially chosen for a young
audience to help parents introduce to their children
the essentials of good character. Lavishly illustrated
in colour by well-known artist Michael Hague. Glossy
pictorial boards. Minor edgewear; o/w Near Fine in
VG+ matching d.j. $25.00
87a. (Hague) El libro de las virtudes para ninos.
The above book in Spanish. Ediciones B, Barcelona.
Later printing. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor
edgewear; 2 corners bumped; o/w VG, no d.j. $15.50
88. (Hague) A Child's Book of Prayers. Henry Holt &
Co., New York. (1995) Later printing. 4 to., 28 pp.
A collection of short prayers and devotions, including
both traditional or anonymous pieces and works by such
authors as Christina Rossetti and Robert Browning.
Charmingly illustrated in colour by Michael Hague.
Red paper-on-boards. Slight edgewear; o/w Near Fine
in price-clipped, VG+ pictorial d.j. $12.50
89. Hague, Kathleen. Good Night, Fairies. SeaStar Books,
New York (2002). 1st Edition. 4 to., unpaginated (34 pp.).
From fairies who teach unicorns to fly and make flowers
bloom to those who hang stars in the sky and dance in
the twilight, a mother gently reveals to her sleep child
the magic and mystery that is hidden under every leaf
and around every corner. Gloriously illustrated in colour
by Michael Hague. Illus. e.p.'s. Gloss pictorial boards.
A Near Fine copy in a VG+ matching pictorial d.j. $15.50
90. (Hague) Kate Culhane: a Ghost Story. Sea Star Books,
New York. 1st Edition (2001). Narrow 8 vo., unpaginated (33 pp.).
A version of an old Irish folktale about a brave young
woman who steps on a fresh grave and is made to dig up
the coffin by the man inside and ordered to carry him to
a house where he can get blood and try to trick her to
return to his coffin with him. Vividly illustrated by
Michael Hague. Glossy pictorial boards. Near Fine in
VG+ matching pictorial d.j. $12.50
91. (Hague) Teddy Bears' Mother Goose, selected and
illustrated by Michael Hague. Henry Holt and Co., N.Y.
1st Edition (2001). 4 to., 63 pp. Some of the classic
favourites adapted by Hague with lovable teddy bears
playing all the characters are: Three Bears in a Tub;
Three Wise Bears of Gotham; The Old Bear Who Lived in
a Shoe; The Bear in the Moon; The Bears of Kilkenny;
The Crooked Song; Little Miss Muffet; Fingers and Toes;
Little Jack Horner and Little Tommy Tucker. 55 rhymes
in all. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor ding to bottom
of spine; o/w a Near Fine copy in a Near Fine d.j. $17.50
92. (Hague) Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Land of Nod and
Other Poems for Children. Henry Holt and Co., N.Y.(1988)
lst ed. Selected and illustrated in colour by Michael Hague.
Sm. folio. 51 pp. Glossy decorated boards with Blue cloth
spine. No dustjacket, as issued. Near Fine. $18.50
93. (Hague) Sleep, Baby, Sleep: Lullabies and Night Poems.
Morrow Junior Books, N.Y. (1994). 2nd printing. Tall 4 to.,
80 pp. Selected and illustrated in colour by Michael Hague.
A perfect book for young families to help make the most
of precious moments before bedtime. Includes musical arrangements.
Blue paper-on-boards with Blue cloth spine. 3 minor blemishes
on rear panel; minor edgewear; o/w VG in VG pictorial d.j. $13.50
94. Havel, Jiri. Animals Have Lots of Fun. Trans. by Stephen Finn.
Treasure Press. London. 1986. 1st English Edition. Tall 4 to., 64 pp.
A delightful book full of more than 50 amusing rhymes and poems,
sure to keep children entertained for hours. Many charming colour
illus. by Czech artist Karel Franta. Illus. e.p.'s. Glossy pictorial
boards. Minor edgewear and rubbing; o/w VG+. $15.50
95. (Haviland, Virginia & Coughlan, Margaret N.) Yankee
Doodle's Literary Sampler of Prose, Poetry & Pictures.
Selected and introduced by the distinguished librarians
Haviland and Coughlan. Thomas Y. Crowell Co., N.Y. (1974)
2nd printing. Tall 4 to., 467 pp., including 24 pp. of
colour illustrations plus dozens of b/w illustrations. A
rich sampling of writings and illustrations created for
the young readers in America from colonial times to 1900.
The authors have provided thoughtful introductions to
each section of reading. The works also speak for
themselves, as generous passages, and even complete books,
are included. An outstanding compendium! Red cloth.
Minor shelf-wear, o/w VG+ in a VG d.j. that is price-
clipped and has some chipping and four small taped tears.
96. (Hogrogian, Nonny) The Great Fishing Contest by
David Kherdian. Philomel Books, N.Y.(1991) lst ed. Sq.
8vo., 47 pp. 10 full-page colour illustrations. Newberry
Honor Book winner Kherdian and wife, two-time Caldecott-
winning artist Hogrogian, combine to create another
touching book about two young boys, featuring teamwork,
sportsmanship and a special friendship. Glossy 2-colour
boards. Slight edgewear, o/w Near Fine in slightly
rubbed and chipped VG+ pictorial d.j. $17.50
97. (Hogrogian, Nonny) Juna's Journey by David Kherdian.
Philomel Books, N.Y. (1993) lst ed. 4 to., unpaginated
(42 pp.). Many full-page colour illus. by Nonny Hogrogian.
Juna was a dream helper who spent much of his time
dreaming for others. One time he had a dream of his own
and it contained a mysterious message for him, prompting
him to go on a quest. Award-winning, artist-and-author
team join talents once again to create a mystical modern-
day fable. Glossy 2-colour boards. Slight shelf-wear and
a couple of minor scratches; o/w Near Fine in a
slightly chipped and rubbed VG+ d.j. $16.50
98. Holling, Holling Clancy. Pagoo. Houghton Mifflin Co.,
Bos. (1957) 5th printing. Tall 4 to., 87 pp. Illustrated
in colour and b/w by the author and wife Lucille. The birth
and development of Little Pagurus, "Pagoo" for short, who
came from an egg the size of a pencil dot, but became a
two-fisted hermit crab. A peek into tide-pool life along
America's beaches. Green cloth with Yellow lettering
and decoration. Minor edgewear; o/w VG+ in VG pictorial
d.j. that is price-clipped, has minor chipping and
a slightly faded spine. One of the harder Holling
books to acquire. $16.50
99. Children of Other Lands
99. (Hollings) Children of Other Lands by
Watty Piper. Platt & Munk Co., N.Y. (1943).
Sm. folio, unpaginated (80 pp.). An engaging
collection of 12 stories of children from
different countries. 5 full-page colour and
dozens of b/w illus. by Lucille and H.C.
Holling. Read about the homes and customs of
children in Siam, Norway, China, Canada,
Mexico, Holland and more. Orange boards with
paste-on paper illus. on front cover.
Moderate wear to top and bottom of spine;
corners bumped; short tear repaired at bottom
of title page; 3 or 4 other short margin tears;
few margin smudges; prev. owner's name on
f.e.p.; o/w still a nice G+ copy. $28.50
100. Holling, Holling C. The Book of Indians. Platt &
Munk, New York. (1935) Probably a 1950's printing. Tall
4 to., 125 pp. One of the several entertaining and
instructive books for children that the Hollings created.
Several full-page colour illustrations, as well as
many margin drawings in sepia, all by Holling and Lucille
Holling. Map endpapers showing where the various Indians
lived, throughtout the U.S. and on Canada's west coast.
Blue cloth. Moderate rubbing and edgewear; prev. owner's
name on reverse of frontispiece; still a VG clean copy.
101. Jones, Elizabeth Orton. Maminka's Children.
Macmillan Co., N.Y./Collier-Macmillan Lon. and Tor.(1968).
Reissue of the 1940 original edition. 8 vo., 106 pp.
Here are stories of three happy children--Nanka, Marianka
and Honzicheck. We watch them make secrets, play jokes,
laugh and dance and sing. Ms. Jones draws on her own
childhood memories when her family had visitors from
Old Bohemia and told their stories to her. Many lively
one-colour and three-colour illustrations by the author
add to the entertaining stories. Glossy pictorial boards.
Gift inscription on reverse of f.e.p.; o/w a Near Fine
copy in a G+ matching d.j. $20.00
102. Kingsley. "The Water-Babies: a Fairy Tale for
a Land-Baby". Mayflower Books, N.Y. 1979. A facsimile
edition of the 1928 Macmillan Children's Edition.
12 mo., 280 pp. This enduring classic first published
in 1863 tells the story of how little Tom, the
chimney-sweep, runs away from his bullying employer,
falls into a river and is turned into a water-
baby, and of his many adventures in the river and
sea. Profusely illustrated from the original Linley
Sambourne illustrations, 16 in colour and many in-text
b/w drawings. Red topedges and Red ribbon book-marker.
Colour illustrated e.p.'s. Green cloth. Minor edgewear;
one corner mildly bumped; minor wear to topedges;
o/w a clean VG copy in a G+ d.j. $28.50
103. Kingsley. The Water-Babies. Published by P.R.
Gawthorn Ltd., London. n.d. (circa 1950). 4 to., 180 pp.
The text is from an earlier edition than the one above.
Enhanced with 8 colour plates and numerous one-colour
drawings, all by Emil Weiss. Orangey Red cloth with
Black titling on front cover. Minor edgewear; gift
inscription on f.e.p. for 1954; slight discolouration
of paper; o/w a clean VG copy. $26.50
104. Kipling, Rudyard. Collected Dog Stories. MacMillan
and Co., Lon. Nov. 1935, 3rd printing. Sm. 8 vo., 278 pp.
Several of Kipling's entertaining dog tales, including
The Woman in his Life, Thy Servant a Dog, Toby Dog
and The Dog Hervey, as well as the famous poems "The
Supplication of the Black Aberdeen" and "His Apologies".
Many b/w illus. by G.L. Stampa. Red cloth with Gold
lettering and decoration. Minor edgewear; fading and
spotting of spine (type still legible); prev. owner's name
on f.e.p.; o/w a clean G+ to -VG copy. $14.50
105. Kipling, Rudyard. Supplication of the Black Aberdeen.
8 vo., 4 pp. plus heavy paper wraps. (1927) Second printing.
The poem and illus. originally appeared in the Strand Magazine.
B/w illus. by G.L. Stampa, including printed illus. on front
cover. String tie. Covers are soiled; spine is splitting top
and bottom; minor wrinkling of pages; about Good to Good+
condition for a fragile item. $17.50 (SOLD)
106. (Lawson) Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and
Florence Atwater. Little, Brown and Co., Bos.(1938).
40th printing (circa 1960's). Sm. 8 vo., 139 pp. The unique
story of a housepainter who had an obsession with the North
and South Poles. Through curious circumstances, Mr.
Popper came into the possession of two penguins and
the book relates all their escapades together.
Numerous b/w and two-colour illus. by Robert Lawson.
Illus. e.p.'s. Grey cloth with Blue decoration and
lettering. Minor edgewear and slight soiling of covers;
a few minor smudges in margins; piece missing from
tips of a few pages; still a G+ copy of another
American classic. $10.00
107. Lawson, Robert. Robbut: a Tale of Tails. Viking
Press, N.Y. 1948. 1st Edition. Sm. to., 94 pp. Another
hilarious rabbit book to complement Lawson's award-winning
book "Rabbit Hill". Robbut was unhappy with his tail, so
when he rescued the Little Old Man from an animal trap
and found out that he could magically change his tail at
will, Robbut decided to try out a few different types.
Wonderful b/w illus. by Lawson show Robbut's various
tails in all their glory, as well as the trouble they
get him into. Illus. e.p.'s. Green cloth with illus. in
Black on front panel. Moderate wear to covers; minor
staining to edges; a few smudges in margins; small hole
in front e.p.; abt. a G+ to -VG copy. $28.50
108. Lawson, Robert. They Were Strong and Good. Viking
Press, N.Y. Oct. 1940. 2nd printing. 4 to., unpaginated
(70 pp.). Lawson's account in word and picture of his
mother and father and their mothers and fathers, and at
the same time, the story of the parents of many Americans.
25 full-page illus. plus portraits and vignettes. Illus.
e.p.'s. Grey/Blue cloth. Minor edgewear; bookplate on
inside front cover; o/w a clean VG copy. $26.00
109. (Le Cain) The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Robert
Browning. Retold by Sara and Stephen Corrin. Harcourt,
Brace, Jovanovich, San Diego, N.Y. Lon. 1st U.S. Edition.
1989. Lg. 4 to., unpaged. 1st U.S. Edition. 1989. A
retelling of Browning's instructive tale. Errol Le Cain's
vibrant full-page illus. and intricate page decorations
make this version of a classic a most enjoyable book.
Glossy pictorial covers. A few minor dings to bottom edge;
a few minor scratches; o/w VG+ in matching VG
pictorial d.j. with one short, taped tear. $25.00
110. Lee, Dennis. The Ice Cream Store. HarperCollins
Publishers, Toronto (1991). 1st Edition. 4 to., unpaginated
(64 pp.). One of Dennis Lee's earlier collections of
silly, funny poems for young folks. Colourful illus.
on every page by David McPhail. Glossy pictorial boards.
No d.j. as issued. Minor edgewear and rubbing; Christmas
gift sticker on f.e.p.; o/w VG+. $14.50
111. Lee, Dennis. Garbage Delight, the third book of
children's poetry by Lee, with many humourous illus.
by Frank Newfeld. Macmillan of Canada, Toronto. (1977)
1st Edition. Tall 4 to., 64 pp. Some of these fresh
new poems are entitled: "Being Five"; "Half Way Dressed";
"A Sasquatch from Saskatchewan"; "Suzy Grew a Moustache";
"Bigfoot"; "Smelly Fred"; "I Eat Kids Yum Yum"; "The
Tiniest Man in the Washing Machine"; and "Bloody Bill".
Pictorial cloth boards. Minor edgewear and rubbing;
gift inscription on f.e.p.; o/w a VG clean copy. $17.50
112. Le Guin, Ursula. Tom Mouse. Roaring Brook Press,
Brookfield, Conn. 1st Edition. (2002). Sm. 4 to., 40 pp.
Born in a train station, Tom Mouse has a yen to travel,
so he boards a train to Chicago. He finds his way to
Roomette No. 9 and makes the acquaintance of Ms. Powers.
Rather than be afraid of Tom or disgusted by his presence,
Ms. Powers welcomes Tom and they become fast friends.
Wonderfully illustrated in colour by Julie Downing.
Glossy pictorial boards. Slight edgewear; o/w a Near
Fine copy in a VG+ pictorial d.j. $13.50
113. Little Golden Book Storyland: 40 of the best
Little Golden Books ever published. Western Publishing
Co., Racine, Wisconsin. 1992. 1st Collected Edition.
4 to., 256 pp. Some of your most fondly remembered
books over the last fifty or more years:
The Poky Little Puppy, The Color Kittens,
The Pied Piper, My First Counting Book, The Little Red
Caboose, The Saggy Baggy Elephant, Mickey and the
Beanstalk, 101 Dalmatians, Tawny Scrawny Lion, and more.
Glossy pictorial boards. Slight edgewear and rubbing;
o/w a VG+ copy. $20.00
114. Lloyd, Jeremy. The Woodland Gospels according to Captain
Beaky and his Band. Faber and Faber, London and Boston. 1984.
1st Edition but priced for sale in America. Tall 4 to., 63 pp.
This story first appeared in a collection of poems about
animals that Lloyd composed over a period of nearly 40 years.
This particular poem was set to music by Jim Parker and performed
on stage by Lloyd, Peter Sellers, Keith Michell, Twiggy and
others. It became a smash success that swept Great Britain.
Now this narrative version is equally absorbing and it is
adorned with several two-page colour illustrations by Graham
Percy. Captain Beaky and his lovable Band--Artful Owl, Batty
Bat, Timid Toad, Reckless Rat and Hissing Sid--set out to spread
the Good News of the Woodland Bible to their fellow creatures.
A storm forces them to head for cover and they spend the night
trying to work out the meaning of the miracles and parables.
The woodland characters make the story of Jesus meaningful
for all young readers and help them understand many of the finer
points in living a Christian life. Glossy pictorial boards.
Minor edgewear and rubbing; o/w VG+ in VG matching d.j. $15.50
115. Lobel, Arnold. Fables. Harper and Row, N.Y.(l980) lst ed.
4 to., 4l pp. Wonderful, humourous colour illus. by the
author. Blue cloth binding has only slight edgewear. VG+ in
dust-jacket that has three closed tears, some rubbing and
chipping. $42.50
116. Lobel, Arnold. The Turnaround Wind. Harper and Row, N.Y.
(1988) lst ed. Lg. 4 to., 32 pp. An ordinary day is turned
topsy-turvy by a fierce, rushing wind. As if blown by the
turnaround wind itself, the colourful illustrations by the
author show two scenes: one appearing only when the book is
held right side up, the other when it is held upside down.
Blue paper-on-boards with White cloth spine. Heavy
Black felt remainder line(abt. 1-l/2") on bottom edge,
o/w VG+ in slightly rubbed VG+ d.j. $17.50
117. (Lobel) Arnold Lobel by George Shannon. Twayne
Publishers, Bos.(1989) Later printing. 8 vo., 179 pp.
A few b/w illus. from Mr. Lobel's work. Arnold Lobel's
talents as an author and illustrator have earned him
the highest accolades possible in the world of children's
literature. Mr. Shannon addresses all of Lobel's works,
with particular emphasis on his picture books for young
children, and discusses how each articulates the pastoral
themes of home and peacefulness. Included are interviews
with Lobel and his family and friends. Incl. a selected
Bibliography. Turquoise cloth. Near Fine in slightly
chipped and rubbed VG+ d.j. $12.50
118. (Lobel) Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm.
Delacorte Press/Seymour Lawrence, N.Y. 1985. 1st printing
of this new edition. 1985. (First published in 1971.)
Oblong 8 vo., 38 pp. This rendering by Arnold Lobel of a
classic fairy tale is described to being true to the
original. Numerous one-colour illus. by Lobel add to
the enjoyment of the story. Orange cloth with stamped
illus. on front panel. Slight edgewear and minor spotting
of bottomedges; o/w a VG+ copy in a VG+ pictorial d.j.
119. (Lobel, Anita) The Cat and the Cook and Other
Fables of Krylov. Retold by Ethel Heins. Greenwillow
Books, N.Y. (1995) lst ed. Tall 4 to., 32 pp. The fables
of Krylov, the celebrated 19th century poet and fabulist,
have enchanted Russian children for generations. Ethel
Heins has retold 12 of these wise and witty fables,
accompanied by Anita Lobel's magnificent, detailed
illustrations, inspired by Russian church paintings
and peasant art. Glossy pictorial boards. Near Fine
in Near Fine d.j. $19.50
120. Lopez, Barry. Crow and Weasel. North Point
Press, San Francisco (1990). 3rd printing. Tall
4 to., 63 pp. On a journey of enlightenment,
Weasel, the adept plainsman and hunter, and Crow,
his humbler, more thoughtful companion, venture
beyond their territory; their friendship and
regard for each other grow, as does their respect
for the land, animals and people, and the Above
Ones they pray to. A modern story that resonates
with ancient cultural values. The beautiful colour
illus. based on Tom Pohrt's paintings are charged
with otherworldly realism, reflecting Pohrt's own
study of indigenous clothing and artifacts of the
northern plains. Black cloth. Minor edgewear and
rubbing; o/w VG+ in VG pictorial d.j. $12.50
121. Lovell, Josephine. Eight Little Indians.
Platt & Munk Co., N.Y. (1936) Perhaps a later
printing in the 1940's (hard to tell with these
P & M books sometimes). Sq. 12 mo., unpaginated
(96 pp.). Also published in 8 little booklet
formats with paper covers. Included are: "Leaping
Trout, a Little Iroquois Boy"; "Winona, a Little
Indian of the Prairies" (Sioux); "Antelope, a Navajo
Indian Boy"; "Watlala, an Indian Boy of the Northwest"
(Kilamook); and four others. Numerous colour and b/w
illus. by Roger Vernam. Illus. e.p.'s. Red cloth.
Moderate edgewear; prev. owner's name on f.e.p.;
some minor staining to foredges; short tear in one
margin; o/w a VG copy. $26.50
122. McCloskey, Robert. The World of Robert
McCloskey: Make Way for Ducklings; One Morning In
Maine; Lentil. Published in 1998 by Barnes and
Noble by arrangement with Viking Press. Tall 4 to.,
unpaginated. Enjoy these 3 classic McCloskey stories
in one book with children or grandchildren. An
illustration on every page as McCloskey tells his
story as much in pictures as in words. Glossy
Green pictorial boards. Minor edgewear; one corner
bumped; o/w a VG clean copy. $15.50
123. McConkey, Lois. Sea and Cedar: how the north
west coast Indians lived. J.J. Douglas Ltd., Vancouver.
1st Edition (1973). Tall 4 to., 32 pp. A clear and
concise book about the culture of the Northwest
Coast Indians, 7 tribes who inhabited the Pacific
coast from the Columbia River to Alaska. A book
which answers many common questions by children
and parents alike. Illustrated with 4 maps and 40
drawings by Vancouver artist Douglas Tait. Green
cloth. Minor wear and fading of edges; some
discolouring of endpapers; o/w a VG+ copy in a
VG pictorial d.j. $12.50
124. McPhail, David. The Blue Door: a Fox and
Rabbit Story. Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Tor. (2001)
2nd printing. Tall 4 to., unpaginated (32 pp.).
Fox and Rabbit set off to visit Fox's Uncle in
the city. They finally find him but not before
a case of mistaken identity finds them a new
friend. Lovely colour illustrations by John
O'Connor. Glossy pictorial boards. Slight
edgewear and rubbing of covers; o/w a Near Fine
copy in a VG+ pictorial d.j. with one short
repaired tear. $9.00
125. Manson, Christopher. A Farmyard Song: an Old Rhyme
with New Pictures. North-South Books, N.Y.(1992). 1st U.S.
Edition. Sq. 8 vo., unpaginated (26 pp.). A cumulative
rhyme in which various farm animals make appropriate noises
after being fed: cat goes fiddle-i-fee, goose goes swishy
swashy and the hen goes chimmy-chuck, chimmy-chuck. The
excellent pictures are created by Manson painting his woodcuts
with watercolours, pictures that he modelled after the
illus. in early children's books. Glossy pictorial boards.
Minor edgewear and rubbing; o/w a VG+ copy. $11.50
126. Mayer, Mercer. Little Monster's Mother Goose.
Golden Press, New York/Western Publishing Co., Racine
Wisconsin. 4 to., unpaginated (44 pp.). 1st Edition
(1979). Mayer's own rollicking verse and oddball
characters make a Mother Goose book you'll never forget.
Alice in Wonderland even makes an appearance. Glossy
pictorial boards. Minor edgewear and rubbing; o/w
a VG+ copy. $22.50
127. (Mayer, Mercer). The Reward Worth Having by
Jay Williams. Four Winds Press, N.Y. 1st Edition
(1977). Tall 4 to., 32 pp. What kind of reward is
really worth having? As three soldiers of the king
discover in this charming fairy tale, it depends on
what you value most in life. Many b/w illus. by
Mercer Mayer. Burgundy cloth. Minor edgewear; prev.
owner's blind stamp on title page; o/w VG+ in VG
price-clipped, pictorial d.j. with some chipping
and two short taped tears. $25.00
128. Midler, Bette. The Saga of Baby Divine.
Crown Publishers, New York. 1st Edition (1983).
Sq. 8 vo., unpaginated (72 pp.). An outrageous
story in verse about the baby girl who arrived
with a sprig of Red hair on her head and High Heels
on her feet, ready to take on the world and enjoy
it to the utmost. Many colourful illus. by Todd
Schorr. An entertaining story from the fertile
imagination of the Divine Miss M herself. Illus.
e.p.'s. Purple boards. Minor edgewear and rubbing;
o/w a VG+ copy in a VG price-clipped, pictorial d.j.
129. Milne, A.A. The Complete Tales & Poems of
Winnie-the-Pooh. 75th Anniversary Edition. Dutton
Children's Books, N.Y. 2001. 4 to., 557 pp. Between 1924
and 1928, four of the most famous books in the English
language were published; two books of poetry and two books
of prose, featuring Edward Bear, or soon known as Winnie-
the-Pooh. This lavish volume brings it all together,
complete with the memorable illustrations of Ernest H.
Shepard, all in colour. Blue cloth. Slight edgewear;
small minor ink mark on foredges; o/w a Near Fine copy
in a VG+ pictorial d.j. with the original 75th anniversary
wraparound banner. Extra postage applies. $33.50
130. Milne, A.A. The Complete Poems of Winnie-the-Pooh.
Dutton Children's Books, N.Y. 1998. 1st Edition Thus.
4 to., 211 pp. Includes all the fun poems from "When We
Were Very Young" and "Now We Are Six". This deluxe volume
has a ribbon marker and the delightful colour illustrations
of Ernest Shepard. Green cloth. Near Fine in VG+ price-
clipped, pictorial d.j. $23.50
131. Milne, A.A. The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh.
Dutton Children's Books, N.Y. (1994) Later printing. 4 to.,
344 pp. plus 2-page map. This deluxe volume brings together
all the Pooh stories from "Winnie-the-Pooh" and "The House
at Pooh Corner", all wonderfully illustrated in colour by
Ernest Shepard. Ribbon marker. Blue cloth. Minor edgewear;
2 corners mildly bumped; o/w VG+ in a VG+ price-clipped,
pictorial d.j. $25.00 (SOLD)
132. (Milne, A.A.) The Pooh Dictionary by A.R. Melrose.
The Complete Guide to the Words of Pooh & All the Animals
in the Forest. Dutton Books, N.Y. 1st Edition Thus (1995).
12 mo., 252 pp. Author Melrose has meticulously documented
the lexicon of Pooh, with its endearingly misused terms,
made-up words and childlike phrases. Illustrated with many
of the original delightful drawings of Ernest Shepard. A
wonderful gift to a true Pooh fan. Cream paper-on-boards
with Rust cloth spine. Minor edgewear; o/w VG+ in VG
d.j. with a little rubbing and one short closed tear. $15.00
133. Montgomery, Herb and Mary. Mongoose Magoo. Oddo
Publishing, Fayetteville, Georgia. 1st Edition (1968).
8 vo., 64 pp. A fictional account of the events that
followed the arrival of a mongoose at Duluth, Minnesota
in Sept. 1962 and how he was eventually allowed to stay
at the Duluth Zoo. Numerous colour illus. by Marilue.
Pictorial boards. Library Binding (but NOT EX-LIB.)
Slight edgewear and rubbing; wrinkle on f.e.p.;
gift inscription on f.e.p.; o/w VG+. $10.00
134. Montresor, Beni. The Witches of Venice. Doubleday,
New York. 1st Doubleday Edition (1989). Oblong 4 to.,
unpaginated (32 pp.). Rejected by the King and Queen of
Venice, a lonely flower-plant boy seeks a flower-plant girl
imprisoned by the Witches of the Grand Canal. Illustrated
by the author in colour. Definite influence of Maurice
Sendak. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor edgewear and
rubbing; o/w a VG+ copy. $12.50
135. (Montresor, Beni) The Birthday of the Infanta
and Other Tales by Oscar Wilde. Atheneum, New York. 1982.
1st U.S. Edition. Tall 4 to., 75 pp. The 5 Wilde fairy
tales collected here have been somewhat abridged (i.e.
long philosophical passages and such omitted), but they
have not been adapted. All of the words are Oscar Wilde's
words. Besides "The Birthday of the Infanta", the stories
included are: The Selfish Giant, The Nightingale & the
Rose, The Young King, and "The Happy Prince". Caldecott-
winning artist Beni Montresor contributes many elegant,
detailed illustrations with delicate yet forceful colours.
A book to cherish. Red cloth with Gold lettering. Minor
edgewear; prev. owner's name on f.e.p.; small amount of
paper loss on f.e.p. due to something being taped on and
then removed; one corner bumped; o/w a VG copy in a Good
Only pictorial d.j. that is price-clipped and chipped.
136. Moser, Barry. Fly! a Brief History of Flight Illustrated.
N.Y.: Willa Perlman Books (Harper Collins), N.Y. Oblong 4 to.,
unpaginated (40 pp.) 1st Ed. (1993) A brief, focused chronicle
of modern flight for young people and adults alike. It opens
with the invention of the hot-air balloon and closes with the
space stations and space shuttles. In between are 14 more key
episodes in the history of flight, each with a watercolor image
by Moser and a brief explanatory text. Yellow paper-on-boards
with Red cloth spine. Slight edgewear; black remainder line on
bottomedges; o/w VG+ in VG pictorial d.j. with some chipping
and rubbing and one turned corner. $12.50
137. Moser, Barry. Polly Vaughn: a traditional British ballad
designed, illustrated and retold in an American setting. Little,
Brown and Co., Bos., Tor., Lon. 1st Edition (1992). A story
fashioned from British roots but reset in the deep South landscape
and people that Mr. Moser knows so well. A story of young love,
both romantic and tragic. Black cloth. Minor edgewear; ding
to bottom of spine; o/w VG or better in a VG pictorial d.j. with
some chipping and rubbing. $14.50
138. (Moser) East of the Sun & West of the Moon by
Nancy Willard. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, N.Y. et al.(1989)
lst ed., 1989. Tall 4 to., 64 pp., incl. several full-page
colour illus. by Barry Moser. A play wherein author and artist
weave their own unique magic to the classic Norwegian story
about a brave girl who undertakes a difficult journey to rescue
the Prince who should have been hers. Beige paper- on-boards with
White cloth spine. Slight edgewear, o/w VG+ in rubbed and
heavily-chipped G+ d.j. $13.50
139. (Moser) Whistling Dixie by Marcia Vaughan
New York: Harper Collins, New York. 4 to. 32 pp. 1st Ed. (1995)
A rollicking good Southern yarn about a little girl named
Dixie Lee who's fond of bringing home odd creatures from Hokey
Pokey Swamp. 15 humorous colour illus. reproduced from the
watercolours of Barry Moser. Green paper-on-boards with Red
cloth spine. Slight edgewear; 2 corners bumped; o/w VG+ in
price-clipped VG pictorial d.j. with minor wrinkling and a
few scratches. $22.50
140. (Moser) Farm Summer 1942 by Donald Hall.
Dial Books, N.Y.(l994) lst ed. Lg. 4 to., unpaged.12 full-page
and 2 double-page colour illus. by Barry Moser. A nostalgic
look at a summer visit by a nine-year old boy from San Francisco
to his grandparents' farm in New Hampshire over fifty years ago.
Glossy pictorial boards. Near Fine in Near Fine matching pictorial
d.j. $17.50
141. (Moser) That Summer by Tony Johnston. Harcourt Inc.,
San Diego, N.Y. Lon. 1st Edition (2002). Tall 4 to., unpaginated
(30 pp.). A poignant story of a boy dying and how it affected
his family, especially his brother. Touching, intimate pictures
by Barry Moser. An inspiring story for those losing a loved one.
Pictorial boards. A dent to the bottom of both boards; o/w a
Near Fine copy in a VG+ matching d.j. with light soiling and
minor chipping. $15.50
142. (Moser) Ariadne, Awake! by Doris Orgel.
Viking, N.Y. 1994. lst ed., 1994. 4 to., 74 pp. 15 full-page
colour illus. by Barry Moser. Artist and author combine to
reveal the ageless human drama at the heart of the ancient
myth of Theseus, the Minotaur, and his half-sister Ariadne.
Navy paper- on-boards. Near Fine in sligh tly-rubbed VG+ d.j.
143. (Moser) The Magic Wood by Henry Treece.
Harper Collins, N.Y. (1992) lst ed., 1992. Sq. 8 vo., unpaged.
Henry Treece's poem warns of going to the wood at night, and
Barry Moser's illustrations from his ink and transparent
watercolour paintings are dark and sinister enough to reinforce
the message. Black paper-on-boards with Black cloth spine. Very
slight edgewear; o/w VG+ in slightly chipped and rubbed VG+ d.j.
144. (Moser) The All Jahdu Storybook by Virginia Hamilton.
Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, N.Y., San Diego, Lon. 1st Collected
Edition (1991). 4 to., 108 pp. Ms. Hamilton created the character
"Jahdu" many years ago and published three books of Jahdu stories.
In this book, Ms. Hamilton has modified the stories for the
children of the 1990's. The mischievious trickster who can change
shape and outwit everybody will still delight readers everywhere.
As well as 11 original stories, 4 new stories have been added.
Numerous poignant, colour illus. by Barry Moser. Brown paper-on-
boards with Black cloth spine. Minor edgewear; o/w Near Fine in
VG+ price-clipped d.j. $27.50
145. (Moser) Jump on Over! by Joel Chandler Harris.
Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, N.Y., San Diego(1989) lst ed., 1989.
Sm. folio, 40 pp. 12 full-page colour illus. plus b/w illus. by
Barry Moser. Five of Harris's classic Brer Rabbit stories are
adapted here by Van Dyke Parks. Cream paper-on-boards with Tan
cloth spine. Near Fine in Near Fine d.j. $23.50
146. (Moser) The Dreamer by Cynthia Rylant. Blue Sky Press,
N.Y. 1st Edition. Oct. 1993. Tall 4 to., unpaginated (31 pp.).
The story of one who dreamed the world, casting God as an
young artist. Beautiful, vibrant colour illustrations by Barry
Moser. Cream paper-on-boards with tan cloth spine. Minor edgewear;
o/w a VG+ copy in a VG+ pictorial d.j. with minor rubbing. $23.50
NOTE: also see the Moser Wizard of Oz, Item 16.
147. (Mother Goose) The Annotated Mother Goose by William
S. Baring-Gould and Ceil Baring-Gould. Bramhall House, N.Y.
(1962) Later printing. Tall 4 to., 350 pp. This collection,
containing more than 1000 separate rhymes from the earliest
surviving publications to the book's publication, is the most
complete gathering ever published. The rhymes are usually
given in their earliest published form, which was often
later suppressed, and the authors have included most of the
known variations of the original. The copious notes point out
the meaning of the rhymes and words, and also explain the
many political allusions, jokes, later parodies, puzzles,
tricks, games and other curiosities. Over 200 illustrations,
including many early historical woodcuts as well as the
popular illustrations of such artists as Randolph Caldecott,
Kate Greenaway, Walter Crane, Arthur Rackham, Maxfield
Parrish and others. Gold paper-on-boards with Brown cloth
spine. Minor edgewear; minor soiling of foredges; o/w a
VG or bette copy in a G+ d.j. with faded spine and heavy
chipping to top and bottom of spine. $19.50
148. Eric Kincaid's Mother Goose: Classic Nursery Rhymes.
Brimax Books, Newmarket, England. Tall 4 to., 204 pp.
1st Edition. 1988. An impressive collection of dozens of
wonderful nursery rhymes, old and new, beautifully illustrated
by Eric Kincaid in colour. Illustrated endpapers. Glossy
pictorial boards. Slight edgewear and rubbing; o/w a VG+ copy.
149. (Mother Goose) The Classic Volland Edition Mother
Goose, re-arranged and editied in this form by Eulalie
Osgood Grover and illustrated in fabulous colour by
Frederick Richardson. An M.A. Donohue Book by Hubbard
Press, Northbrook, Illinois. Tall 4 to., 159 pp. (1971).
With a new Introduction by Yolanda D. Fererici, Director
of Children's Books, Chicago Public Library. This Deluxe
Edition contains 292 rhymes and dozens of illustrations.
Cream linen boards with faux leather spine. Illus. e.p.'s.
Minor edgewear; o/w VG+ in G+ pictorial d.j. $27.50 (SOLD)
150. (Mother Goose) Mother Goose, the Volland Popular
Edition. M. A. Donohue, Chicago, N.Y. (1915). This
printing circa 1920. The Frederick Richardson
full-page colour illustrations are deeper and richer
than later reprints such as the one above. Tall 4 to.,
unpaginated (119 pp.). (Note: more rhymes have been
added to the more modern edition above.) Illustrated
endpapers. Green cloth with large paste-on colour illus.
on front panel. Minor edgewear; the foredges and margins
are slightly discoloured because of the type of paper
used; part of a previous owner's address sticker on
f.e.p.; o/w a VG+ clean copy of this treasured keepsake
in a G+ pictorial d.j. (illus.on front and back) with
some fading and chipping and some minor waterstaining
to bottom of jacket spine. $110.00
151. (Mother Goose). "The Metropolitan Mother Goose"
by Elizabeth Watson, illustrated in colour by
Emma Clark. Printed and distributed by the
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., Ottawa, Canada,
as a promotional item. (1921) Abt. 5-1/4 x 7-3/4"
tall, 22 pp.; stapled pictorial wraps. Here are
all of your favourites: Old Mother Hubbard, Jack
Sprat, Jack and Jill, Little Tommy Tucker, Mary,
Mary Quite Contrary, Wee Willie Winkie and more.
Moderate edgewear; cover pulling away from staples;
large gift inscription on title page; o/w Good+.
152. Mother Goose: a Canadian Sampler. Printed for
the benefit of the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program,
Toronto, Ontario. Groundwood Book/Douglas & McIntyre,
Toronto and Vancouver. 1st Edition Thus (1994). Sq.
8 vo., 64 pp. A magnificent collection of Mother Goose
rhymes with the donated artwork of 29 of Canada's best-
loved children's illustrators, including Ann Blades,
Kim LaFave, Ian Wallace, Mark Thurman, Paul Zwolak,
Ron Lightburn, Brenda Clark, Ian Thornhill, Marie-
Louise Gay and more. Cover illustration by Simon Ng.
Glossy pictorial boards. Minor edgewear and rubbing;
o/w Near Fine in VG matching d.j. $15.50
Ann Blades, illustrator
153. Newell, Peter. The Rocket Book. Charles E. Tuttle
Co., Rutland, Vermont. 1990. 6th Tuttle printing. A
re-issue of the original 1912 edition by Harper. Sm.
8 vo., unpaginated (53 pp.)The hilarious story in verse
of a rocket set off in the basement of an apartment
building and the detailed damage it does as it passes
upward through every floor of the building. There is a
hole in each page to indicate the rocket's progress.
Another terrific example of the absurd humour of the
slightly offbeat Peter Newell. Blue cloth with paste-on
illus. on front panel. Minor edgewear and soiling;
darkened square on rear cover where a price sticker
was removed; o/w a VG copy of this classic. $22.00
154. Nichols, Beverley. Cats' X. Y. Z.
Jonathan Cape, Lon. 1961. 1st Ed. Narrow 8 vo., 128 pp.
A humorous and insightful look at life with cats,
arranged in an alphabetical sequence and a fitting
sequel to Nichols previous book "Cats' A.B.C.". The
same cats reign: "Four", "Five" and "Oscar".
Lovingly illustrated in 2-colour drawings by Derrick
Sayer. Pictorial paper-covered boards. Minor edgewear
and rubbing; o/w VG or better. $22.50
155. (Nursery Rhymes). My Best Book of Nursery
Rhymes, with colour illus. on every page by Pamela
Storey. Brown Watson, England (1988). Probable 1st
Edition. Very tall 4 to., 32 pp. A wonderful collection
with many perennial favourites: Bye Baby Bunting;
Hickory Dickory Dock; Little Miss Muffet; There Was
an Old Woman; Little Jack Horner; Hey Diddle Diddle;
Jack and Jill; Jack Be Nimble; Goosey Gander; Georgie
Porgie; Three Blind Mice; and many more. Glossy
pictorial boards. Minor edgewear and rubbing; o/w a
VG+ copy. $8.50
156. Orgel, Doris. Godfather Cat and Mouse, retold from
the Brothers Grimm. Macmillan Publishing Co., N.Y. (1986).
1st U.S. Edition. 8 vo., unpaginated (32 pp.). An
entertaining tale of how a cat and a mouse who live together
decide to save a pot of cream in the church in case food
ever becomes scarce, and how the cat begins to sample the
cream ahead of time. Blue paper-on-boards and Blue cloth
spine. Minor wear and fading of edges; o/w VG+ in VG
pictorial d.j. $11.00
157. Page, P.K. The Travelling Musicians. An
entertaining retelling by Page of a Brothers Grimm
folktale. Kids Can Press, Toronto. 1st Ed. Thus (1991).
Oblong 4 to., unpaginated (32 pp.). B/w endpapers and
humorous colour illus. throughout by Kady MacDonald
Denton. Glossy pictorial boards. Slight edgewear and
rubbing; a few pages with a crease; o/w a VG copy. $11.50
158. (Pape, Frank) Stories from Spenser, Retold from
"The Faerie Queene". Included are "The Story of Una and
the Red Cross Knight" and "The Story of Sir Calidore and
the Blatant Beast". Thomas Nelson and Sons, London,
Edinburgh, Dublin and N.Y. 1913. 16 mo.(abt. 6-3/4" tall),
155 pp. plus 4 pp. publisher's ads. 8 delightful, full-page
colour illus. by Pape, one is repeated on the front cover.
Brown cloth with paste-on illus. Minor edgewear and light
soiling of covers; some dulling of lettering on spine;
a few small minor stains in margins; o/w a G+ to -VG
copy of this lovely book illustrated by an underappreciated
artist. $30.00
159. (Parrish, Maxfield) Poems of Childhood by Eugene
Field. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. The last
copyright date is 1922 and a gift inscription on the
f.e.p. is Xmas 1942 so this reprint falls somewhere
in between. Lg. 8 vo., 200 pp. plus 8 enchanting colour
plates by Parrish, as well as the original 1904 title
page and striking endpapers. Several dozen poems by
Field, some now somewhat dated but many that are ageless
and just as enjoyable now as in 1900. Black cloth with
Gold lettering on spine and large paper illustration
on front panel. Minor edgewear; minor fading to bottom
of spine; gift inscription on f.e.p.; poor paper
somewhat discoloured; o/w a VG or better clean copy. $95.00
160. Pearsall, Dora W. The Story of Four Little
Sabots. Frederick Warne & Co., Lon. and N.Y. 1926.
1st Edition. 16 mo., 86 pp. Tina's sabots go clickety
clack and Tony's sabots go clippety clop as the young
pair meet, fall in love and live a long, happy life
together. Charming story with 26 lovely colour plates.
Illus. e.p.'s. Green paper-on-boards with Silver
lettering and decorated front panel. Minor chipping
of edges and top and bottom of spine; prev. owner's
name on f.e.p.; binding cracked at signatures but
still very much intact; about a G+ clean copy of
this little treasure. $70.00
161. (Peat) An exciting Fern Bisel Peat book entitled the
"Picture Story-Book: Nine Stories", with favorites like
Puss-in-Boots, Hansel and Gretel, the Gingerbread
Boy, Peter Rabbit, and Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Published by Saalfield, Akron, Ohio, 1933.
No. 978. Abt. 10-1/2" wide by 12" high; 20 pp.
including covers. Front and rear cover illus.,
plus one b/w and 8 colour full-page illus. inside.
Absolutely fabulous examples of the wonderful art
of this popular artist.
Paper wraps with minor soiling and some chipping;
considerable wear to spine; couple of short tears;
a minor ink stain; o/w still a G+ copy of a
great item from a very collectible artist. $45.00
162. Pfister, Marcus. Hopper. North-South Books, N.Y.
(1991). 1st U.S. Edition. Tall 4 to., unpaginated (26 pp.).
A sweet story of a little hare who does not like snow,
but nevertheless enjoys playing with a friend and hunting
for food with his mother, during which time they must
allude a falcon looking for food himself. Beautifully
illustrated with many delicate watercolours by the author.
Illus. e.p.'s. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor edgewear;
o/w a VG+ copy. $15.00
163. Pfister, Marcus. Sun and Moon. North-South Books,
N.Y. (1990). 1st U.S. Edition. Tall 4 to., unpaginated
(26 pp.). A charming story of how the lonely Sun and
Moon are finally able to meet during an eclipse. Illus.
in colour by the author. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor
edgewear; o/w a VG+ copy in a VG matching d.j. $13.50
164. Potter, Beatrix. The Complete Tales. F. Warne &
Co., London. (1997) Later printing. This outstanding
volume of 400 pages includes Potter's original 23 Peter
Rabbit books, as well as two early narrative picture
sequences--Three Little Mice and The Rabbits' Christmas
Party--and two previously unpublished stories entitled
"The Sly Old Cat" and "The Fox and the Stork". Illustrated
throughout in colour. Blue cloth. Minor edgewear; o/w
VG+ in VG+ pictorial d.j. Extra postage applies. $27.50
165. Potter, Beatrix. The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Other
Stories. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 1984. 4th printing of
this new version with brand-new colour illustrations by
Allen Atkinson. Although these new illustrations are
adequately done, to my mind they do not come close to the
charming, accurate drawings of Ms. Potter herself.
Nevertheless, they present a bit of a new perspective to
the nine stories related here. Red cloth with Gold lettering
and decoration. Minor edgewear; o/w Near Fine in price-
clipped VG pictorial d.j. $14.50
166. Provensen, Alice and Martin. Town & Country.
Crown Publishers, N.Y. 1st U.S. Edition (1984). Tall
4 to., unpaginated (32 pp.). Another wonderfully detailed
book from this talented husband-and-wife team who have
written and illustrated several books about their life
at their Maple Hill Farm in Dutchess County, New York.
33 years of commuting from their home and N.Y. City
initiated this book that weaves a rich tapestry of life
in both rural and urban America. Glossy pictorial boards.
Minor edgewear; one corner bumped; o/w VG+ in VG
pictorial d.j. with some chipping and rubbing. $20.00
167. (Rackham) The Compleat Angler by Izaak Walton.
Bloomsbury Books, London. 1988 printing. 8 vo., 224 pp.
plus 12 full-page colour illus.(printed on 6 leaves,
back-to-back)plus numerous b/w illus. by Arthur Rackham.
An angling classic (first publ'd in 1655) combined with
Rackham's superb illus. make this a handsome and
soughtafter book in any edition (first publ'd with
Rackham illus. in 1931). Green cloth. Slight edgewear;
small minor stain on topedges; o/w a VG+ copy in a
VG+ pictorial d.j. $30.00
168. (Rackham) A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
Chancellor Press, Lon. 1986. The classic tale of the
miserly Ebeneezer Scrooge. B/w drawings plus 12 colour
plates by Arthur Rackham who first illustrated this
book in 1915. These colour plates pale in comparison
to the quality of the originals, but this is still a
charming copy of the famous Christmas story. Glossy
pictorial boards. Slight edgewear and rubbing; gift
inscription on f.e.p.; o/w a VG+ copy in a VG+
matching d.j. $12.50
169. (Rackham) The 1st Amer. Ed. of Anthony
Hope's novel, "The Dolly Dialogues" with an
early Arthur Rackham illustration as frontispiece.
Published by Henry Holt, N.Y. 1894. 12 mo., 195 pp.
Brown buckram with Red lettering and decoration.
Covers are soiled and darkened; some extra wear to
top and bottom of spine; corners mildly bumped;
lettering on spine mostly illegible; pages a little
discoloured but contents generally clean and binding
tight; still a G to G+ copy of this early Rackham item.
170. (Rackham). The Night Before Christmas by Clement
Moore. Chancellor Press, London. 1985. A beautiful
facsimile of the original 1931 edition illustrated by
Arthur Rackham. 4 full-page colour plates and several
b/w drawings augment Moore's classic verse. Illus. e.p.'s.
Glossy pictorial boards. Near Fine in matching
VG+ pictorial d.j. $12.50
171. (Rojankovsky) Mother Goose Rhymes and
Other Childhood Favorites. An anthology illustrated
by Feodor Rojankovsky. Merrigold Press, New York
(1972). 1st Edition Thus. Sm. folio, 69 pp. Formerly
titled "Rojankovsky's Wonderful Picture Book".
Edited by Nina Rojankovsky. Included in this volume
are representative pieces of Rojankovsky's art for
every stage of a child's life, including pictures
for Mother Goose rhymes, fairy tales, animal stories,
1 to 10, and A-Z. A marvelous collection for any
child. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor edgewear and
rubbing; minor ding to top edge; o/w a VG+ copy.
172. Ruskin, John. The King of the Golden River.
Simply Read Books, Vancouver, B.C. 1st Edition.
2005. 4 to., 65 pp. Ruskin wrote this story to
fulfill a promise to a little girl named Euphemia
Chalmers Gray (Effie)whom he later married. This
charming fable is set in the mountainous regions
surrounding an Arcadian valley belonging to three
brothers. One day a visit from The King of the
Golden River changes their lives. Beautifully
illustrated by Bulgarian artist Iassen Ghiuselev.
(See his Pinocchio book above.) Blue/Gold cloth.
Near Fine in Near Fine pictorial d.j. $28.50
173. Scarry, Richard. Richard Scarry's Storybook
Dictionary. A Golden Book. Western Publishing Co.,
New York. 1st Edition (1966). Large 4 to., 125 pp.
A different kind of dictionary for beginners: over
2500 words, more than 1000 pictures in full colour.
A classic book from Richard Scarry that combines
hours of fun and learning. Featuring a couple dozen
of Scarry's entertaining animals. Illustrated e.p.'s.
Glossy pictorial boards. Minor rubbing and edgewear;
o/w a VG+ copy. $30.00
174. (Scarry) The Busy, Busy World of Richard
Scarry by Walter Retan and Ole Risom. Harry Abrams,
New York. 1997. Sm. folio, 159 pp. "Tens of millions
of children have grown up learning to count, to name
things correctly, to behave well, to know what adults
do all day, and to recognize cars and trucks and
things that go because Richard Scarry taught them
how." Although he never won a major children's book
award, Richard Scarry had the magic touch that
catapulted him to nearly universal popularity. Written
and compiled by two old friends and workmates, this
book gives us a personal look at this wonderful
artist/author and his work. Some photos and hundreds
of illustrations. Illustrated endpapers. Glossy
pictorial boards. Slight edgewear and rubbing; o/w a
VG+ copy in a matching VG+ pictorial d.j. $18.50
175. Schami, Rafik. The Crow Who Stood on His
Beak. North-South Books, N.Y., Lon. 1996. 1st U.S./
English/Canadian Edition. Tall 4 to., unpaginated (24 pp.).
A lowly crow humbles the proud peacock. Translated
by Anthea Bell. Delightful colour illus. by Els Cools
and Oliver Streich. Illus. e.p.'s. Glossy pictorial
boards. Slight edgewear; o/w Near Fine in slightly
rubbed Near Fine d.j. $15.50
176. (Sendak) The Art of Maurice Sendak by Selma
G. Lanes. Harry N. Abrams, N.Y. 1980. 1st Edition.
Sq. 4 to., 278 pp. One of America's most treasured
illustrators, Sendak's life and work are explored
here in affectionate detail. The book features a
working pop-up of Little Red Riding Hood and the
wolf playing Red's Grandmother, plus 94 other full-
colour illustrations and 165 b/w as well. A magnificent
book and fitting tribute to the first half of
Sendak's extraordinary career. Pictorial cloth
with clear plastic d.j. that has the titling and
book description in White lettering. Slight edgewear;
slight soiling to pull-tab of pop-up; o/w a VG+ copy
in a VG+ d.j. with some rubbing. Extra postage. $195.00
177. (Sendak) The Art of Maurice Sendak: 1980 to
the Present by Tony Kushner. The follow-up book to
Selma Lanes' earlier study. Harry Abrams, N.Y. 2003.
Sq. 4 to., 224 pp. Friend and collaborator Kushner
traces Sendak's life and work from 1980 onwards with
this richly illustrated volume filled with projects
in various mediums, both inside and outside the
children's book arena. Reproduced here are lavish set
and costume designs for a number of theatrical
and dance productions. Two 3-panel fold-outs plus
dozens of other colour illustrations. Colour illustrated
endpapers. Blue cloth. Minor edgewear; rear inner hinge
starting to crack; front inner hinge repaired; about
a VG copy in VG pictorial d.j. $47.50
177a. (Sendak) Another copy of The Art of Maurice
Sendak: 1980 to the Present. Near fine in VG+ d.j. $60.00
178. (Sendak) Bears by Ruth Krauss. Michael di Capua
Books/Harper Collins Publishers, N.Y. (2005) Oblong
8 vo., unpaginated (20 pp.). A new illustrated
version of Ruth Krauss' wonderful short story with
glorious 2-page spreads in colour by Sendak,
featuring Max from "Where the Wild Things Are".
Illus. e.p.'s. Glossy pictorial boards. Near Fine
in matching pictorial VG+ d.j. $10.00
179. (Sendak) Brundibar. After the Opera by Hans Krasa
and Adolf Hoffmeister. Retold by Tony Kushner and
brilliantly illustrated by Maurice Sendak. Hyperion
Books, N.Y. 1st Edition. 2003. Oblong 4 to.,
unpaginated (56 pp.). The story of Pepicek and his
little sister Aninku who attempt to sing in town to
make money to buy milk for their sick Mother. But first
they must defeat the town bully, Brundibar. Illus. e.p.'s.
Chocolate Brown cloth. Near Fine in Near Fine
pictorial d.j. $14.00
180. (Sendak) The Cunning Little Vixen by Rudolf
Tesnohlidek. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, N.Y. 1985.
1st Edition. 4 to., 187 pp. Translated by Tatiana
Firkusny, Maritza Morgan and Robert T. Jones from
the original Czech. Afterword by Robert T. Jones.
Lavishly illustrated in colour by Maurice Sendak,
who also designed the New York City Opera's
celebrated production of the Leos Janacek opera.
Originally written as a newspaper serial in 1920,
the story focuses on two characters: a forester
Bartos, and Vixen Sharp-Ears, an innocent fox who
abandons innocence in order to survive. Green
cloth. Illus. e.p.'s. Near Fine in VG+ pictorial
d.j. with minor rubbing of edges. $45.00
181. (Sendak) Dear Mili: an old tale by Wilhelm
Grimm newly translated by Ralph Manheim. Farrar,
Straus and Giroux, N.Y. 1988. 1st Edition. Oblong
4 to., unpaginated (38 pp.). This delightful story
was preserved in a letter Wilhelm Grimm wrote to a
little girl in 1816 and wasn't discovered until
Sept. 1983. This is its first book publication.
Magnificently illustrated by Maurice Sendak with
many full-page and two-page pictures. Blue/Grey
cloth. Minor wear and fading of edges; gift
inscription on f.e.p.; o/w VG+ in a VG pictorial
d.j. with some light soiling and some minor
staining to the edges. $18.50
182. Sendak, Maurice. Hector Protector and As I
Went Over the Water: Two Nursery Rhymes With Pictures.
Harper Collins, N.Y. (1965) Later printing. Oblong
8 vo., 54 pp. Sendak adds some fantastical picture-
stories that extend the boundaries of these old
short rhymes. Illus. throughout in colour. Yellow
cloth. Decorative e.p.'s. Slight edgewear; o/w
Near Fine in Near Fine pictorial d.j. $14.50
183. (Sendak) I Saw Esau: the Schoolchild's Pocket
Book. Edited by Iona & Peter Opie. Candlewick Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1992. 1st U.S. Edition.
12 mo., 160 pp. A new rendering, with notes added by
Iona Opie, of a book of schoolchildren rhymes that her
and husband Peter published back in 1946. Now
delightfully illustrated by Maurice Sendak. Green
paper-on-boards. One corner rubbed; one minor speck
on foredges; o/w a VG+ copy in a VG+ pictorial d.j.
(NOTE: See my "new arrivals page for a SIGNED copy.)
184. (Sendak) King Grisly-Beard: a Tale from the
Brothers Grimm. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York.
Trans. by Edgar Taylor, originally published in the
first English edition of tales from Grimm, 1823.
Slim 8 vo., unpaged. Colour illus. on every page by
Maurice Sendak. Green pictorial laminated boards as
issued. Note: there was also a dust-jacketed version
which Justin Schiller referred to as the "deluxe
edition". Joyce Hanrahan, who prepared the Sendak
Bibliography, writes: "Re: King Grisley--as a collector
I would prefer the jacketed first, but I'm not sure that
the one in laminated boards is significantly less valuable--
$35-$60??" This copy is VG+ to NF. $32.50
185. (Sendak) Seven Tales by H.C. Andersen. Trans. from
the Danish by Eva Le Gallienne. Harper & Row, New York (1959).
Later printing. 8 vo., 128 pp. Tales included in this collection
are: "The Fir Tree"; "The Princess and the Pea"; "Happy Family";
"The Ugly Duckling"; "The Darning Needle"; "It's Absolutely
True!"; and, "The Steadfast Tin Soldier". 5 full-page colour
illus., colour title page, and many b/w drawings by Maurice
Sendak. The illus. depict a medieval setting. In his Artist's
Foreword, Sendak says that he cannot explain why he chose a
medieval setting for the stories but his instinct told him
it was right. Blue cloth. Slight edgewear and rubbing; o/w
a VG+ clean copy of a fairly scarce Sendak title. $24.50
186. (Sendak) The Love for Three Oranges: the Glyndebourne
Version" by Frank Corsaro. The Bodley Head, Lon., 1984.
1st Edition. Tall 4 to., 126 pp. An entertaining opera
with many wonderful colour and b/w illus. by Maurice
Sendak. Tan decorated cloth. Slight edgewear; minor ding
to bottom of rear board; o/w a VG+ copy in the original
mylar dustwrapper with 3 taped tears and a two x three-
inch chunk missing. $40.00
187. (Sendak) The Miami Giant by Arthur Yorinks. Harper
Collins, N.Y. 1995. 1st Edition. Sq. 4 to., unpaginated
(40 pp.). A humourous story fully illustrated with the
rollicking, colourful pictures of Maurice Sendak. Glossy
pictorial boards. Near Fine in a Near Fine d.j. $18.50
188. (Sendak) What can you do with a shoe? by Beatrice
Schenk de Regniers. Margaret K. McElderry Books, N.Y.
(1997) 1st edition thus. Long oblong, unpaginated.
A book of silly questions and answers by a small boy
and girl who are dressing up in their parents' clothes.
Originally published in 1955 with b/w illus., this book
is even more fun now with Maurice Sendak's watercolour
illus. throughout. Pictorial White paper-on-boards with
Blue cloth spine. Minor soiling of edges; o/w VG+ in
matching VG+ d.j. $18.50
189. Sendak, Maurice. We Are All in the Dumps With
Jack and Guy. A Michael di Capua Book, published by
Harper Collins., N.Y. 1993. 1st Edition. Oblong 4 to.,
unpaginated (55 pp.) Two traditional rhymes from Mother
Goose, ingeniously joined and interpreted by Sendak
in this fabulous picture book. Colour illus. on every
page. Brown paper-on-boards. Slight edgewear; o/w Near
Fine in a Near Fine pictorial d.j. with slight
rubbing. $17.50
190. Sendak, Maurice. Where the Wild Things Are.
Harper Collins, N.Y. (1963). This the 25th Anniversary
Edition, reprinted in 1988 from new engravings made
from Sendak's original art. The marvellous adventures
of a small boy, Max, and an array of fierce-looking,
but friendly monsters. Sendak's best-known book and
the one for which he received the Caldecott Medal
in 1964. Oblong 4 to., unpaginated (40 pp.). Pictorial
paper-on-boards with Grey cloth spine. Minor edgewear;
o/w VG+ in a G+ pictorial d.j. with minor soiling and
a couple of short taped tears. $12.50
191. (Shepard) The Work of E.H. Shepard, edited
by Rawle Know. Published by McClelland & Stewart,
Tor. (1979) 1st Can. Ed. 4 to., 256 pp. This
magnificent book was published to mark the 100th
anniversary of the birth of Ernest Shepard. It
offers the best and most characteristic of his
whole range of work, from his boyhood sketches,
his many years at "Punch" where he contributed
hundreds of drawings, through the Pooh books,
and many other books for children and adults,
right up to the colour work he did late in life.
Here is also much biographical information and
a comprehensive Bibliography. Handsome Brown
cloth binding with Gold lettering and Gold
stamped images of Pooh, Toad and Mole. Minor
edgewear; one corner mildly bumped; minor
discolouring of foredges; o/w VG+ in a VG
pictorial d.j. with minor chipping and rubbing
and slight fading of spine. $70.00
192. Smith, Janet Adam. Children's Illustrated Books.
Collins, Lon. 1948. 1st Ed. One of the "Britain in
Pictures" series. 8 vo., 50 pp. With 4 plates in colour
and 33 illus. in b/w. The author gives us a peek at
the development of children's books from the 18th
century to the mid-20th century, touching on many
major writers and illustrators along the way. Orange
paper-covered boards. Minor edgewear; pages a bit
discoloured; o/w VG+ in VG d.j. with minor
chipping and fading. $30.00
193. (Smith) A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis
Stevenson. Charles Scribner's Sons, N.Y. n.d. 13th printing.
8 vo., 106 pp. All of the favourite Stevenson rhymes are
here, along with 12 colour plates and numerous b/w drawings
by perennial favourite Jessie Wilcox Smith. First published
in 1905. Beige cloth. Minor edgewear; prev. owner's name on
f.e.p.; o/w VG in VG pictorial d.j. $12.50
194. (Smith) Dickens's Children. Ten Drawings by Jessie Wilcox
Smith. McClelland & Goodchild, Tor. (l9l2) lst Can. ed. Same
format as the first American Scribner's ed. 4 to., unpaged.
l0 full-page colour illus. by Wilcox with a short excerpt
from the appropriate novel on the facing page. Olive cloth
with a 3" diam. pastedown colour picture on the front cover
depicting Bob and Tiny Tim Cratchit, plus Gold embossing
and lettering. A little foxing and a few smudges in contents;
cover has a little edge wear; o/w VG. $100.00
194a. (Smith) Dickens's Children. Ten Drawings by Jessie
Wilcox Smith. As above, but the 1st English Edition. 1912.
Published by Chatto & Windus. Looks identical to above Canadian
Edition except for the publisher's name on title page. Some
wear to top and bottom of spine and corners; small hole in
front outer hinge; o/w a VG or bettercopy. $90.00
195. Stevenson, Robert Louis. A Child's Garden of Verses.
Brimax, Newmarket. 1st Edition. 1994. Tall 4 to., 128 pp.
The most popular collection of children's verse ever printed.
Copiously illustrated here with the charming, colourful
illustrations of Eric Kincaid. Glossy pictorial boards.
Minor edgewear and rubbing; minor ding to top of spine;
corners mildly bumped; o/w a VG or better copy. $13.50
196. Stevenson, Robert Louis. A Child's Garden of Verses.
Collins, London and Glasgow. 1956. 2nd printing thus. Sm.
8 vo., 223 pp. This wonderful edition of Stevenson's great
gift to children is wonderfully illustrated by A. H. Watson,
with 6 colour plates and dozens of b/w drawings. Green
decorated cloth. Minor edgewear; small faded spot on bottom
of spine; large gift inscription on f.e.p.; poor paper
somewhat discoloured; o/w a VG copy in a G+ pictorial d.j.
with some chipping and a couple of taped tears. $25.00
197. Stevenson, Robert Louis. A Child's Garden of Verses.
Geddes & Grosset, New Lanark, Scotland. 1994. 1st Edition
Thus. 12 mo., 125 pp. plus 11 coloured plates from various
earlier editions. Numerous b/w drawings as well. All of
our childhood favourites are here: The Land of Counterpane;
My Shadow; The Land of Nod; The Swing; From a Railway
Carriage; My Bed is a Boat; and dozens more. A title in
the "Stories Old and New" series. Glossy pictorial boards.
A Near Fine copy in a VG matching d.j. $10.50
198. Stevenson, Robert Louis. A Child's Garden of Verses.
Charles Scribner's Sons, N.Y. Orig. publ'd in 1909, this is
the 1926 printing. 12 mo., 116 pp. Adorned with the lovely
illustrations of Florence Edith Storer, 8 full-page colour,
9 full-page b/w, plus numerous small illlustrations
throughout. Brown cloth with paste-on paper colour illus.
to front board. Minor edgewear and soiling; some chipping
around edges of illus. on cover; corners bumped; minor
bottomedge damage to last two pages; still a G+ or better
copy of a darling little book. $40.00
NOTE: See also the Deluxe Edition of this
book on my Recent Arrivals page.
199. (Pop-Up Child's Garden) Stevenson, Robert Louis. A
Child's Garden of Verses. Dutton Children's Books, N.Y.
1992. 1st U.S. Edition. Abt. 10-1/4 x 7-3/4" tall, 12 pp.
Artwork by Jannat Messenger and some clever paper
engineering by Dennis Meyer and Rodger Smith. 12 poems.
Glossy pictorial boards. Slight edgewear and rubbing
of covers; o/w a Near Fine copy with all pop-ups and
moveables in perfect condition. A little gem! $13.50
200. Stevenson. Treasure Island. Cassell and Co.,
Lon., N.Y., Tor. and Melbourne. n.d. (circa 1920).
8 vo., 340 pp. One of the first and best pirate stories
for children. This handsome edition has 4 colour plates
by John Cameron as well as the chart that leads to
Treasure Island. Grey pictorial cloth; Green topedges.
Minor edgewear and rubbing; minor staining of foredges;
a few pages dogeared; o/w a VG or better copy. $23.50
201. (Thompson, Hugh). The Merry Wives of Windsor by
William Shakespeare. Gramercy Books, N.Y. 1995. 1st Ed.
Thus. Sm. 8 vo., 128 pp. Shakespeare's lightest comedy,
featuring that old rascal Falstaff and his farcical attempts
to seduce two women, Mistress Page and Mistress Ford.
Delightfully illustrated with 22 charming colour plates by
Hugh Thomson. The text of this edition is based on the
earliest reliable printed texts. Thomson's illus. are
reproduced from the 1910 edition for which Thomson
contributed 40 illus. Pictorial paper-on-boards with
Black cloth spine. Near Fine. $14.00
202. (Tom Thumb) A wonderful "Tom Thumb" book
published by Samuel Gabriel Sons and Co. Abt.
7-1/4 x 8-1/2", 12 pp. including paper wraps.
Delightfully illustrated by Gordon Robinson
and B.A. Burley in one-colour and four-colour.
4 full-colour illus. plus several in-text one-colour
illus. and colour illus. on each cover.
Minor chipping and soiling; corners turned;
bottom half-inch of spine split; still a Good+
clean, bright copy, probably from 1920's. $16.50
203. (Tseng, Jean and Mou-Sien) Sato and the Elephants
by Juanita Havill. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, N.Y.
1st Edition (1993). Tall 4 to., unpaginated (32 pp.).
While working on the ivory carving that he hopes will
make his fortune, Sato comes to understand the plight
of the endangered elephants when he discovered a bullet
in the ivory he is carving. A thoughtful story with
touching colour illustrations by the Tsengs. Glossy
pictorial boards. Minor edgewear and rubbing; o/w a
VG+ copy. $12.50
204. Ungerer, Tomi. Far Out Isn't Far Enough. Methuen,
Lon. 1984. lst ed. 4 to., 176 pp. In the early 1970's,
renowned artist and children's storyteller, Tomi Ungerer,
moved with his wife Yvonne to a farmstead on the wild
Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia. This is a record, in vivid
words and many enchanting b/w and colour pictures, of the
years they spent there. Grey paper-on-boards. Slight
edgewear; top and bottom of spine slightly bumped; o/w
VG+ in slightly rubbed and scratched VG pictorial d.j. $18.50
205. (Weber). Our Friendly Animals and Whence They Came
by Karl Patterson Schmidt. M.A. Donohue & Co., Chicago and
New York. (1938). Sm. folio, 64 pp. plus 12 full-page colour
illustrations by Walter A. Weber. Many margin drawings as
well, plus illus. e.p.'s. Animals of the world from early
times up to the 1930's. Glossy pictorial paper-on-boards
with Brown cloth spine. Moderate chipping; a few pages
with marginal smudges; o/w a VG+ copy in a G+ matching
pictorial d.j. $27.50
206. Weninger, Brigitte. Why Are You Fighting, Davy?
North-South Books, N.Y., Lon. 1st Edition in English. Tall
4 to., unpaginated (27 pp.). 1st published in Switzerland
under the title "Pauli Streit mit Edi". Printed in Belgium.
Trans. by Rosemary Lanning. In this 6th book featuring the
endearing little rabbit Davy, Brigitte Weninger and illustrator
Eve Tharlet deal with the ups and downs of true friendship
with warmth and gentle humour. Soft charming illustrations
on every page by Tharlet. Glossy pictorial boards. Near Fine
in matching VG+ d.j. $15.50
207. Wildsmith, Brian. Mary. Published simultaneously
by Oxford University Press, Oxford, and Eerdmans Books for
Young Readers, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 2002. 1st Edition.
Tall 4 to., unpaginated (26 pp. plus illus. e.p.'s). Another
beautifully illustrated creation by Wildsmith, this book
tells the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus, in a series
of scenes, framed by Gold. Glossy pictorial boards. Slight
wear to topedges; o/w a Near Fine copy in a matching VG+ d.j.
208. Yolen. Jane Yolen's Mother Goose Songbook. Caroline
House, Boyds Mills Press, Honesdale, PA. 1992. 2nd
printing. Oblong 4 to., 95 pp. Reinforced binding.
For this enchanting book, award-winning Jane
Yolen researched and collected more than 45 Mother
Goose songs. They are accompanied here by Adam Stemple's
delightful musical arrangements for piano and guitar,
as well as brief introductions that reveal intriguing facts
about the rhymes. Colourfully illustrated on every page
by Rosekrans Hoffman. Glossy pictorial boards. Slight
shelf-wear, o/w NF in slightly chipped VG+ d.j. $17.50
209. Planters Paint Book No. 2,
featuring "Mr. Peanut". Published by
the Planters Nut and Chocolate Co. for the
children of Canada (I imagine an American
one was also produced for "the children of the
United States"). Printed in Canada. Copyright 1929.
Measures 7-1/4" x 10-1/2"; unpaginated. Has 14
illustrations printed in colour on the left-hand
side, plus 14 corresponding illustrations in
black-and-white to be coloured by the children.
3 pictures are partially coloured. Mr. Peanut
visits a children's classroom and asks them if they
would like to go for a ride with him. The children
each want to ride on something different, so Mr.
Peanut tells them they'll ride on everything: this
includes a dirigible, a dog sled, a steam train,
a race car, a speed boat and an airplane. Then
Mr. Peanut takes the children through the peanut
factory to show them how peanuts are processed.
A two-stanza poem under each coloured picture tells
how the children are having fun, while some prose
text under each b/w picture supplies some factual
information about each vehicle they ride on, and
this is accompanied by a little blurb about peanuts.
Some of the Blue colour from the front cover and
the rear cover have run through onto the inside
covers, but the rest of the pages are very clean.
The pictorial wraps are chipped on the edges and
rather heavily chipped at the spine; the bottom
right-hand corner has been bent up, affecting
the front cover and several of the pages in a minor
way; o/w still a G+ to VG example of this scarce
booklet. $75.00
A few non-English children's books:
210. Gavillon, Helene. Schwarze Marchen. Druck v.J. Steinbock
& Comp., Wien(Vienna). 1880. 2nd printing. An oblong 12 mo.
packet of White cards imprinted with Black type and silhouette
illustrations. 8 illus. cards tell the tale of Puss and Boots; 2
cards for Hansel and Grethel; 1 card for a story about a little
girl giving a bowl of milk to a toad and then hitting him over
the head with a wooden spoon when he wouldn't eat her
bread crumbs(?? loose translation). I'm not sure if there should
be more cards for the Hansel and Grethel story. Only 2 scenes
are included: the part where Hansel and Grethel cross a body
of water on the back of a duck; and, the part where the witch
has Hansel in a cage and keeps testing his finger to see if
he is fat enough to eat. These cards aren't numbered, whereas
the complete story of Puss and Boots is numbered on cards
from one to eight. The cards are in two paper folders with the
titles on them for the two main fairytales. There is a lovely
title-page card with the main characters and a floral and ribbon
border all in Black silhouette, plus the names of the three tales.
There is a neat inscription in ink written across the top of the
title-page card. A few of the cards have some minor corner damage,
o/w the packets are VG+ in a VG cloth portfolio that has some
foxing on the inner paper flaps and a broken tie ribbon(present).
$ 75.00
211. Andersen, Hans. Eventyr og Historier(Complete Stories)
with illus. after the originals. George C. Gron, Copenhagen.
1893. Two volumes. The first volume has 91 b/w in-text
and full-page illus.; the second volume has 121 b/w illus.
16 mo., 440 and 412 pp. Paper-covered boards with leather
spines and corners. Both volumes have some foxing; bookplates;
and a lot of wear on edges and corners; vol. one has a piece
missing from top of spine; o/w Good copies with tight bindings.
Still a charming set with all these illus. 2 vol. $40.00
212. Crook, Connie Brummel. Lune d'erable (Maple Moon). French
translation by Marie-Andree Clermont. Les Editions Scholastic.
Toronto. 1st edition thus. (2000). 4 to., unpaginated (32 pp.).
The folktale of how maple syrup was discovered and how a young
native boy helped his people survive a harsh winter. Text in
French. Beautiful colour illus. by Scott Cameron. Glossy stiff
pictorial card wraps. Slight chipping and rubbing; o/w a
VG+ clean copy. $9.50
213. (Dictionary) Mon Premier Larousse: le dictionnaire
des 4-7 ans. Larousse, Paris. 2002 edition. Sm. 4 to., 259 pp.
Clear explanations, pictures and examples of word usage.
French text. Also features a small encyclopedic section with
information on flags, musical instruments, transportation,
fruits and vegetables, trees, flowers, birds, insects, animals.
Glossy pictorial boards with fold-over velcro-closure flap.
Some wear to corners; o/w a VG+ clean copy. $20.00
214. Morris and Goscinny. Lucky Luke. 7 Histoires Completes,
Serie 1. Published by Dargaud Canada Ltee, Montreal. (1974).
Tall 4 to., 47 pp. Text in French. 7 more hilarious cartoon
adventures in colour of Lucky Luke. Illus. by Goscinny. Glossy
pictorial boards. Illustrated endpapers. Minor rubbing and
chipping; 3 corners bumped; some minor staining in lower
margins of some pages; o/w a VG copy. $24.50
215. Morris and Goscinny. Lucky Luke: L'Empereur Smith.
Published by Dargaud Canada Ltee, Montreal. Text in French.
Tall 4 to., 46 pp. (1976) Can. ed. Another hilarious cartoon
adventure in colour of Lucky Luke. Illus. by Goscinny. Glossy
pictorial boards. Illustrated endpapers. Minor rubbing and
chipping; slight cocking of spine; "1.00" written on f.e.p.; o/w
a VG copy of this uncommon title in hardcover. $25.50
216. Sengler, Johanna and Roderich Menzel. Till Eulenspiegel.
Published by Dr. Hans Peters. Hannef/Rhein, Weis. (1962). Tall
4 to., 34 pp. The hilarious story of a fool. Text in German.
Brightly coloured, humorous illus. by Roderich Menzel. Illus.
e.p.'s. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor edgewear; minor soiling
to Yellow cloth spine; a few scratches to covers; o/w VG. $23.50
217. (Spyri, Johanna). Heidi Voyage. French text by Claude
Saler. This book is based on the animated film by Hanna-Barbera
and featuring the original Heidi character of Johanna Spyri.
Published by Deux Coqs D'Or. 1983. Sm. 4 to., 29 pp. Colour
illus. on every page. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor edgewear
and rubbing; o/w VG+. $12.50
218. Stuchl, Vladimir. Contes de la Prairie et du Nouveau
Monde. Grund, Paris. 2nd printing, 1980. Printed in
Czechoslovakia. 4 to., 198 pp. Ludek Manasek contributed
15 full-page colour illustrations plus dozens of b/w drawings.
Text in French includes 47 western and native American stories
and legends such as: Bill Coyote Le Cow-Boy; Le Belier, Le
Saumon Et L'Aigle; La Foret Enchantee; Le Voyageur Et
L'Aubergiste; Trois Courageux Animaux; Le Peigne D'Or; Les
Montagnes Chauves; La Maratre Et Le Prince; L'Homme Le Plus
Paresseux D'Amerique; and more. Grey cloth with embossed
Green design. Minor wear and fading of edges; o/w a VG+ copy
in a VG pictorial d.j. $20.00
219. Anderson, Margaret. Cwan the Armourer. Jorgen
Larsen's Bookbinding, Langley, British Columbia. Abt.
5-1/2 x 8-1/4" tall, 100 pp. (1990). Probable first
printing. A collection of stories told from a boy's
point of view of the Moachaht nation (Nootka)on the
west coast of Vancouver Island in the very early years
of the 19th century. The boy is the son of Maquinna,
Chief of the Moachaht who kept John Jewitt (Cwan) slave
from 1803 to 1805 because he was a ship's armourer and
could make weapons and implements for the natives.
Numerous crude b/w illustrations by the author. This
copy INSCRIBED by the author on the title page. Pictorial
heavy card wraps. Minor edgewear and light soiling
of covers; o/w VG+. $9.50
220. Bannatyne-Cugnet, Jo. A Prairie Year. Tundra
Books, Montreal (1994). 1st Edition. Oblong 4 to., 32 pp.
A fascinating book with description of activities that
take place on the Canadian Prairies each month of the
year, accompanied with a fitting full-page colour illus.
by Yvette Moore. This copy SIGNED by both author and
artist on the title page and dated October, '94. Glossy
pictorial boards. Slight edgewear; o/w Near Fine in a
VG+ matching pictorial d.j. $22.50
221. Bouchard, David. If You're Not From the Prairie...
Raincoast Books, Vancouver. (1993) 8th printing. Oblong
4 to., 32 pp. For those people from the Canadian prairies,
this book is a visual and poetic journey back to their
life there. The evocative text reminds us of the power of
the wind, the sweep of the sky and the adventures in the
cold. Henry Ripplinger's beautiful images are nostalgic
snapshots from the past. This copy INSCRIBED by the artist
with "Warm Prairie Wishes". Blue cloth. Slight edgewear;
o/w Near Fine in VG+ pictorial d.j. $23.50
221a. Another copy. Bouchard, David. If You're Not From
the Prairie... Raincoast Books, Vancouver. 1st Edition Thus.
1994. As above, but this copy INSCRIBED by the author
on the title page: "To a girl who will know this Prairie".
Blue cloth. Slight edgewear; slightly cocked; o/w a VG+
copy in a VG+ d.j. $25.50
222. Baum, Roger S. The Silly OZbul of OZ & Toto. Yellow
Brick Road Publishers, Palm Desert, CA. 5th printing (1992).
The great-grandson of L. Frank Baum offers here his second
book in a trilogy about the Pink, furry, lovable, Silly
OZbuls. "Instead of remaining in the Emerald City as Dorothy
instructs, while she attends a surprise ninety-second
birthday party for the Wizard at Glinda's Palace, Toto
and his SillyOZbul friend decide to disobey and follow her
to the party." Illustrated in colour by Lisa Mertins.
This copy SIGNED on the title page by "Roger S. Baum" and
"Toto Too". Blue cloth with Gold lettering. Slight edgewear;
o/w VG+ in a VG+ pictorial d.j. $37.50
223. Chomiak, Joseph; Tremlin, Nathan; and Swanson,
Matt. Mookie: A Girl in Maxim Subornia. Temiak
Publishing, La Connor, Washington. 1st Edition
(2000).Narrow sm. folio, unpaginated (50 pp.).
The story of imagination gone wandering.
Lured by a flower from another world,
a little girl named Mookie comes face to face with
countless creatures of fantasy. Some of the artwork
reminds me of Tim Burton's work. This copy SIGNED
by all three collaborators on the f.e.p. Glossy
pictorial boards. Near Fine in VG+ d.j. $40.00
224. deVries, Maggie and Lott, Sheena. How Sleep
Found Tabitha. Orca Book Publishers, Custer, WA
and Victoria, B.C. 1st Edition (2002). Sq. 8 vo.,
unpaginated (32 pp.). Tabitha could't sleep so she
thought of where and how different animals sleep.
This didn't work, but when her soft, grey cat
wiggled under the covers with her, she was soon
fast asleep. Soft, warm watercolour illus. by
Sheena Lott on every page. This copy SIGNED by
the author with "Sweet Dreams" on the title page.
Glossy pictorial boards. Slight chipping and
rubbing; o/w VG+. $15.50
225. Fitch, Sheree. There's a Mouse in My House!
Doubleday Canada, Tor. 1999. 2nd paperback edition.
Abt. 8-1/2 x 11" tall, unpaginated (32 pp.). A
story told in verse of a young boy's trials and
adventures as he tries to rid his house of a charming,
and very persuasive, mouse. Colourful and humourous
illus. by Leslie Elizabeth Watts. SIGNED by the
author on the title page. Glossy pictorial stiff
card wraps. Minor chipping; one corner turned; couple
of creases at spine; o/w VG. $10.00
226. Harrison, Ted. O Canada. Kids Can Press,
Toronto. 1st Edition (1992). Tall 4 to., unpaginated
(32 pp.). A wonderful illustrated version of Canada's
national anthem (proclaimed officially in 1980). The
book features the words in English and French plus a
glorious full-page illustration for each province and
two territories by beloved Canadian artist Ted Harrison.
This copy INSCRIBED and dated 1st July, 1992, by Harrison
on the half-title. Blue cloth. Minor edgewear; o/w a
VG+ copy in a VG+ pictorial d.j. $35.00
226a. Harrison, Ted. O Canada. Another copy, unsigned.
Ticknor & Fields, New York. 1993. 1st U.S. edition. Same
format as above. Red cloth. Minor dings to top and bottom
of spine; o/w a VG+ copy in pictorial VG+ d.j. $16.50
227. LeBox, Annette. The Princess Who Dances With
Cranes. Second Story Press, Toronto (1997). 1st Edition.
4 to., unpaginated (24 pp.). A medieval environmental
story about a marsh, a young princess, new development
and the cranes who needed the marsh for nesting. Lovely
colour illus. by Kasia Charko. This copy SIGNED on the
title page by the author, with the wish "May you one
day dance with the cranes." Glossy pictorial boards.
Minor edgewear and rubbing; o/w VG+. $22.00
228. Lines, Patricia. Cyril the Seagull. Nightwood
Editions. Madeira Park, B.C. 1st Edition (1991). Sq.
8 vo., unpaginated (32 pp.). Patricia Lines' first
book features a young seagull who gets seasick. But
when his sailor friend gets into trouble in a terrible
storm off the coast, Cyril has to help him out. Quirky,
colourful illustrations (somewhat reminiscent of Edward
Ardizonne by well-known Canadian artist Kim LaFave.
This copy INSCRIBED by the author on the half-title.
Glossy pictorial boards. Slight edgewear and rubbing;
o/w a VG+ copy. $15.50
229. McFarlane, Sheryl. Waiting for the Whales. Orca
Book Publishers, Victoria, B.C. 1st Edition (1991).
Sq. 8 vo., unpaginated (32 pp.). An old man living alone
on Canada's West Coast looks forward each year to when
the orca whales go by. After his daughter and granddaughter
come to live with him, his granddaughter joins him each
year to anticipate the coming of the whales. A gentle story
that illuminates the unique friendship between grandparent and
child. Touching illustrations by Ron Lightburn. This copy
SIGNED by both author and artist. Glossy pictorial boards.
Slight edgewear and rubbing; slight smokey odour; o/w VG+
in a VG matching pictorial d.j. $18.50
230. Morck, Irene. Tiger's New Cowboy Boots. Red Deer College
Press, Red Deer, Alberta. Oblong 4 to., unpaginated (32 pp.)
1st Ed. (1996) Young Tyler (Tiger) gets a chance to help herd
cattle to summer pasture on his Uncle Roy's ranch in Alberta.
There's a lot of dust, and water, and mud, and tree branches...
well, let's just say his new boots get broken in real well.
Beautiful, colourful, western-style illus. by Georgia Graham.
INSCRIBED on the tile page by both the author and artist.
Pictorial paper-on-boards. Slight edgewear, o/w NF in VG+
pictorial d.j. with slight chipping and rubbing. $40.00
230a. Tiger's New Cowboy Boots. Another copy. Unsigned.
Near Fine in Near Fine d.j. $20.00
231. Newhouse, Maxwell. Let's Go for a Ride. Tundra
Books, Tor. and N.Y.(2006). 1st Edition. Oblong 4 to.,
unpaginated (24 pp.). British Columbia folk artist Maxwell
Newhouse presents a whimsical, quirky, and personal
history of cars and car culture in words and art.
Not just a children's book, anyone with fond, nostalgic
memories involving family car trips, drive-in movies
and cruising the A & W in your hot new set of wheels
will appreciate this book. INSCRIBED on the f.e.p. "To
Lynn, Warm Regards, Max Newhouse, Aug. 2006", with a
happy face. Glossy pictorial boards. A minor ding to
outside edge of front cover; o/w a Near Fine copy in a
VG matching d.j. with one taped tear on same outer edge
as book. As an added bonus, the inside of the dust-jacket
has four scenes from the book and can be used as a
poster. $21.50
232. Noland, Karen Lei. Friends of the Menehunes.
Kaukini Ranch Press, Kahakuloa, Maui, Hawaii. 2nd
printing Sept., 1996. Sq. 8 vo., unpaginated (35 pp.).
A delightful tale of two children, Anna and Joseph,
who stumble across two menehunes, the tiny elf-like
people of Hawaii's past. The four share an adventure
they will never forget. Bright colour illustrations
on every page. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor
edgewear and rubbing; 2 corners bumped; o/w a
VG+ copy SIGNED by the author on the inside front
cover. $14.00
233. O'Hagan, Michael. How Victoria Bear Lost His
Honey Lake. Victoria Publishing Co., Victoria, B.C.
(1994). Oblong 4 to., 48 pp. An entertaining story
of life before man on Vancouver Island when there were
many Victoria Bears and Nanaimo Bears. B/w and colour
illus. by Penny Woodworth. This copy SIGNED on the title
page by the author. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor
edgewear and rubbing; o/w VG+. $18.00
233a. O'Hagan. Another copy of "How Victoria Bear
Lost His Honey Lake". Also "SIGNED" on title page by
author, but also has a gift inscription on title page
and a scratch on rear board. A VG copy. $15.50
234. Page, P.K. A Flask of Sea Water. Oxford University
Press, Toronto, Oxford, N.Y. 1st Edition (1989). 4 to.,
unpaginated (33 pp.). A beautiful and exciting fairy tale
in which a young goatherd tries to win the hand of a
princess by filling a flask with sea water and bringing
it back to her father's court. Lavishly illustrated in
colour by internationally known artist Laszlo Gal. This
copy SIGNED on the title page by the author. Lt. Blue
cloth. Minor edgewear; minor staining at bottom of front
board; o/w VG in VG pictorial d.j. $19.50
235. San Souci, Robert D. Feathertop (based on the
Tale by Nathaniel Hawthorne). Doubleday, N.Y. 1992.
1st ed. Oblong 4 to., unpaginated (32 pp.). An eloquent
retelling of a story of magic wherein a New England
witch turns a scarecrow into a handsome young man
and sends him off to perform some mischief for her.
Many fine colour illustrations from watercolours by
Daniel San Souci. SIGNED on the bottom of the title
page by this talented brother team of author and
artist. Orange paper-on-boards with Red cloth spine.
Slight edgewear, o/w Near Fine in slightly rubbed
but still Near Fine pictorial d.j. $42.50
236. Sheldon, Sidney and Mary Sheldon. The Adventures
of Drippy the Runaway Raindrop. Dove Kids Books,
West Hollywood, CA. 1996. 3rd printing. Oblong 4 to.,
66 pp. The first in a series of children's books by
novelist Sidney Sheldon, his daughter, Mary, and wife
Alexandra who did the illustrations. From the moment
he is born on a blade of grass in a lovely meadow,
Drippy the runaway raindrop has an unusual craving
for adventure. Great fun for the whole family, and
not just on rainy days! This copy SIGNED by Sidney
Sheldon, Alexandra Sheldon and Drippy on the title page.
Blue cloth boards. Minor wear and fading to edges;
o/w a VG+ copy in VG pictorial d.j. $18.50
237. Shepard, Aaron. The Enchanted Storks. Clarion
Books, N.Y.(1995) 1st ed. Tall 4 to., 32 pp. An
original German tale which was adopted into Middle
Eastern folklore, this is the story of a Bagdad
Calif who is tricked by an evil wizard and turned
into a stork along with his trusted Vizier (Prime
Minister). Brightly, and appropriately, illustrated
by Alisher Dianov, a noted Russian illustrator.
SIGNED on the f.e.p. by the author, along with the
word, "Casalavair!", a slight misspelling of the
magic word "Calasavair!" used to turn the storks
back into the Calif and his Vizier. Glossy
pictorial boards. Slight shelf-wear; o/w Near
Fine in a slightly chipped VG+ pictorial d.j.
with one small taped tear. $37.50
238. Shostak, Peter. Saturday Came But Once a
Week. Yalenka Books, Victoria, B.C. (1984) 1st
Edition. Square 4 to., unpaginated (96 pp.).
Through a collection of paintings, drawings and
commentary, Peter Shostak focuses on various
work and play activities normally associated with
the one working day of the week when everyone was
home on the farm. Shostak draws from his own
memories of growing up in northeastern Alberta in
the 1940's and 1950's. This copy SIGNED by Shostak
on the half-title. Blue cloth with Silver lettering
and illustration on front panel. Minor edgewear;
one corner mildly bumped; o/w a VG+ copy in a
VG pictorial d.j. with some edgewear, rubbing
and scratches. $24.50
239. Shostak, Peter. When Nights Were Long.
Yalenka Books, Victoria, B.C. (1982) 2nd printing.
Square 4 to., unpaginated (46 pp.).
A nostalgic look back at a boyhood in Alberta
with text and paintings by Shostak showing chores,
skating on outdoor ice and get-togethers with the
neighbours. SIGNED on the half-title by Shostak.
Blue cloth with Silver lettering and decoration.
Near Fine in Near Fine pictorial d.j. $21.50
240. Ward, Jacqueline. Cattle Drive! Fogbound Books,
Qualicum Beach, B.C. 1st Edition (2001). Sq. 12 mo.,
unpaginated (32 pp.). The 3rd title in Grovehill Gang
series, a series of farm tales featuring events in
the lives of real, live animals. Quaint, colourful
illus. by the author. This copy INSCRIBED by the
author on the title page. Glossy heavy card wraps.
Slight edgewear and rubbing; o/w VG+. $11.00
241. (Wilde, Oscar) The Giant's Garden, inspired by
Wilde's "The Selfish Giant", told by Flavia Weedn and
Lisa Weedn Gilbert. Hyperion, New York. 1st Edition
(1995). Oblong 12 mo., unpaginated (38 pp.). A once
friendly giant walls in his large garden where children
used to play, but he realizes his mistake. Illus. in
bold colours by Flavia. This copy SIGNED by Flavia on
the dedication page. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor
edgewear; o/w VG+. $22.00
End of Children's & Illustrated