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Golf Books-Page 2
Catalog Report
Golf Books
[1039] . Bonnie Dundee and Round About. Dundee Courier and Advertiser, Dundee. n.d. (circa 1950), Hard Cover. 8 vo., 39 pp. with one or two b/w photographs per page. This thin book is largely a pictorial record of the pattern of things in Dundee and Central Scotland. It shows what the people do for work and recreation. Included is a 2-page colour plan of "St. Andrews Old Course", as well as a full-page photo showing play at the famous 17th (road) hole. Blue cloth. Boards slightly warped; slight edgewear and fading; o/w VG in taped, heavily-chipped Good d.j. $6.50
[2379] Argea, Angelo. Bear and I: the Story of the World's Most Famous Caddie . New York: Atheneum, Hard Cover. 12 mo., 148 pp. 1st Ed. 1979. The first caddie in 500 years of golf to write a book about the great game. The Silver Greek gives us an insightful look into the life of the Golden Bear, Jack Nicklaus. 8 pp. of b/w photos. Foreword by Nicklaus. Minor edgewear; slightly cocked; o/w VG in Good Only d.j. with chipping and rubbing and a taped tear on front panel. $8.00
[4256] Barclay, James A.. Golf in Canada: a History . Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, Hard Cover. Lg. 4 to., 626 pp. plus 32 pp. of colour photos and illus. (1992) 1st ed. A magnificent and vastly informative volume comprising every aspect of the history of golf in Canada, from its beginnings in 1826. Richly illustrated in colour and with over 400 b/w photos documenting the game and its players. Green cloth. Slight edgewear, o/w Near Fine in VG+ pictorial d.j. with slight rubbing and chipping. Extra postage applies. $23.00
[3149] Barnes, James M.. Guide to Good Golf, A. London: John Lane the Bodley Head, Hard Cover. Sm. squarish 8 vo., 137 pp. plus 6 pp. of publisher's ads. 1st Ed. 1925. In his Foreword, Grantland Rice describes Barnes as an exceptional player, a serious student of the game, and a patient and concise instructor. Barnes describes his teaching technique in this book as follows: "Instead of undertaking to describe in turn how each club is swung I have sought to present a general word picture of just what does or should take place in making a full swing, and from that to work down by successive stages through the shorter strokes." Numerous drawings by G.P. Haynes demonstrate proper technique. Beige cloth with Black lettering and Green club-and-ball decoration. Minor edgewear; minor soiling of covers; minor discolouration of endpapers and text; o/w a VG solid copy. $22.00
[4378] Barrett, Ted. Complete Golf Chronicle. London: Carlton Books, Hard Cover. Tall 4 to., 272 pp. 1st Edition (1994). A year-by-year account of the golf stories that made the headlines from the 1860's to the 1990's, in a page-by-page newsprint format with hundreds of photos. Glossy pictorial boards. Minor edgewear; slight soiling of foredges; o/w a VG+ copy in a matching VG d.j. with light soiling and a couple of short, taped tears. $9.00
[4052] Boyle, Mickey. Ninety Years of Golf: an Illustrated History of Golf in Saskatchewan . Regina: Saskatchewan Golf Association, Soft Cover. 8 vo. size, 174 pp. 1st edition. (1987) Over the years, some famous names appeared on the golf courses of Saskatchewan, including Walter Hagen and British Open winner Long Jim Barnes. Many historic photos. A wonderful insight into Canadian golf history. This copy SIGNED on the title page by the author's son, Rob Boyle, a CPGA member, who helped his father on some technical aspects of course design and golf instruction. Heavy card pictorial wraps. Minor chipping of covers; minor soiling on foredges; o/w VG. $7.00
[5194] Branson, Joy. Taupo Golf Club: 1928-1985 . Lake Taupo, New Zealand : Self Published, Abt. 6-1/4 x 9-1/2" tall, 32 pp. 1st Edition (1985). A well-done history including a 2-page layout of the two courses. The Taupo Golf Club started as a 9-hole course in 1928, expanded to the 18-hole Tauhara Course in 1954 and added the Centennial Course in the early 1970's. Today, Taupo Golf Club is New Zealands only golf club offering TWO 18 hole golf courses. Unused score cards are included for both courses. Stiff card wraps with a drawing of the 1932 Taupo Golf course on front and back covers. A Near Fine copy with just a little discolouration of covers. $25.00
[1041] Corley-Smith, Peter. Victoria Golf Club 1893-1993: One Hundred Treasured Years of Golf. Victoria Golf Club, Victoria, B.C. (1992) lst ed., Hard Cover. Square 8 vo., 230 pp. The Victoria Golf Club's beautiful course in Oak Bay, overlooking the Olympic Mountains and Mount Baker, is undoubtedly one of the loveliest in North America, and is thought to be the second-oldest golf club in its original location in North America. Incl. are dozens of historic b/w photos, as well as several pages of contemporary colour photos. Blue cloth. Minor edgewear; o/w VG+ in rubbed, chipped, slightly wrinkled Good+ d.j. $20.00
[602] Cotton, Henry. Golf: a Pictorial History. Glasgow & London: Collins, Glasgow and Lon. 1975. lst ed., Hard Cover. 4 to., 240 pp., incl. many b/w and colour photos. 1975. lst ed. Foreword by Sam Snead. Henry Cotton, one of the all-time golfing greats, tells the story of the game from its earliest beginnings in Scotland to the present day. Green cloth. Slight edgewear, prev. owner's name on f.e.p.; o/w VG+ in slightly soiled, badly-chipped, price- clipped G+ pictorial d.j. $15.00
[80] Cousins, Geoffrey. Lords of the Links: The Story of Professional Golf. London: Hutchinson Benham, . . Hard Cover. Sm. 8 vo., l76 pp. plus l2 pp. of b/w photos. 1st Edition. 1977. A fascinating slice of golfing history. The author was friends with many professional golfers from 3 generations and always had a profound respect for those pioneers who formed The Professional Golfers' Assoc., the history of which forms the core of the present book. Green cloth. Very slight shelf-wear, o/w NF in VG+ slightlty discoloured d.j. with minor chipping. $11.50
[82] Dobereiner, Peter. Glorious World of Golf, The. N.Y.: Ridge Press Book(Grosset & Dunlap) l977 Printing, Hard Cover. Lg. 4 to., 250 pp. 1978 printing. The author has combined early golf history with a look at the game in the 1970's and displays an overall affection and appreciation of the Great Game. Many b/w and colour illustrations and photos enhance the text. Yellow cloth. Slight shelfwear; o/w VG+ in G+ pictorial d.j. that has some chipping, a little staining and one short taped tear. Extra shipping may apply. $15.00
[1703] Edmund, Nick (ed.). Ping Women's Golf Year '92-'93. Scotland: Kensington West Productions, 1993. Hard Cover. 4 to., 147 pp., incl. some wonderful colour photography. 1st ed. of the first book in this series from Ping. Editor Nick Edmund and other contributors have brilliantly detailed the events and personalities that shaped women's golf in 1992, both from the amateur and professional ranks, and on both sides of the Atlantic. Green cloth. Slight edgewear, o/w VG+ in VG pictorial d.j. with minor chipping and rubbing. $7.00
[1700] Gresswell, Peter. Week-end Golfer. London: John Murray, Hard Cover. Sm. 8 vo., 192 pp. (1977) 1st ed. Golf-course e.p.'s and several delicate pen-and-ink drawings by Gina. A diary of a year of golf matches between the author and his friend, Philip T., on the courses of Britain and elsewhere. The essence of golf for the everyman. Turquoise cloth. Minor edgewear; prev. owner's sticker on f.e.p.; o/w VG+ in a VG pictorial d.j. with minor chipping and rubbing. $6.00
[1706] Hallberg, William (ed.). Perfect Lies: a Century of Great Golf Stories. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1989. Hard Cover. Sm. 8 vo., 364 pp. 1st collected ed. An anthology of 23 short stories celebrating the game of golf. Famous writers include F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Updike, P.G. Wodehouse, E.C. Bentley, Ring Lardner, and others. Cream paper-on-boards with Black cloth spine. Minor edgewear, o/w VG+ in price-clipped VG pictorial d.j. with minor rubbing and chipping. $7.00
[84] Huston, Mervyn J.. Golf and Murphy's Law. Hurtig Pub., Edmonton(l98l) lst ed., Hard Cover. 8 vo., l55 pp. B/w illus. by Graham Pilsworth. Green paper-covered boards. VG in chipped, rubbed G+ d.j. $6.00
[4328] Leadbetter, David, with Lorne Rubenstein. Fundamentals of Hogan: With Newly Discovered Photos . Chelsea, Mich. and N.Y.: Sleeping Bear Press/Doubleday, Hard Cover. 4 to., 133 pp. 1st Edition (2000). Thanks to the newly discovered critical photography featured in this book, the mysteries of Ben Hogan's outstanding form are revealed. By combining his exceptional skills as a communicator and his encyclopedic knowledge of the mechanics of golf, David Leadbetter uses these remarkable images of the master at work to demonstrate the basic techniques of golf. A book that all golfers hoping to break 80 have to have. Green cloth. Slight edgewear; o/w a Near Fine copy in a VG+ pictorial d.j. $14.00
[85] McDonnell, Michael. Great Moments in Sport: Golf. Pagurian Press, Tor.(l974) lst Can. ed., Hard Cover. 8 vo., 200 pp. Green cloth. A little soiling on foredges, o/w VG in Good+ d.j. $6.00
[2568] Murray, Bill. Cinderella Story: My Life in Golf . New York et al: Doubleday, Hard Cover. Sm. 8 vo., 210 pp. 1st Ed. June, 1999. Written in conjunction with George Peper, Editor-in-Chief of "Golf" magazine, this book captures the deadpan and dead-on hilarity of Murray as he tells of his lifetime association with the game of golf. White paper-on-boards with Green cloth spine. Minor edgewear; o/w VG+ in VG d.j. with minor rubbing and a crease along the bottom of the front panel. $6.00
[89] Nicklaus, Jack, with Bowden, Ken. On & Off the Fairway: A Pictorial Autobiography. Simon and Schuster,, Hard Cover. 4 to., 256 pp. N.Y.(l978) Appears to be a first edition, but there is no price on the d.j. (No bookclub blind stamp either.) Perhaps some were done this way for export? Green paper-covered boards with Cream cloth spine. A little edgewear, o/w VG+ in chipped , G+ d.j. $7.00
[90] Nicol, Eric and More, Dave. Golf: The Agony & The Ecstasy. Hurtig Pub., Edmonton(l982) lst ed., Hard Cover. Sq. 8 vo., l60 pp. Green cloth. Some edgewear, o/w VG in chipped, but o/w VG d.j. $6.00
[1040] Norman, Greg and Peper, George. Shark Attack! Greg Norman's Guide to Aggressive Golf. N.Y. et al.: Simon and Schuster, Hard Cover. 4 to., 256 pp. incl. dozens of b/w photos. (1988) lst ed. From his aggressive point of view, Norman covers pre-swing fundamentals such as the basics of stance, shares his thoughts on gripping a club and ball position, and provides easy-to-understand instructions on making the most powerful drives and accurate approach shots. Blue paper-on-boards with Green cloth spine. Slight shelf-wear; o/w VG+ in slightly chipped and rubbed VG d.j. $6.00
[4158] O'Connor, Tom. From the Wood to the Tees . London: Robson Books, Hard Cover. Sm. 8 vo., 168 pp. 1st Edition. 1992. An avid golfer of considerable skill, comedian Tom O'Connor has played with the best of them and the worst of them. He takes the reader around the greens as he recalls some of the funny experiences that have befallen him in exalted golf company. B/w illustrations by Jim Hutchings. Green cloth. Slight edgewear; slight perfumy odor; o/w a NF copy in a VG+ pictorial d.j. $6.00
[2382] Peck, M. Scott. Golf and the Spirit: Lessons for the Journey . New York: Harmony Books (Random House), Hard Cover. 8 vo., 326 pp. 1st Ed. (1999) Author of "The Road Less Traveled", psychiatrist M.Scott Peck goes beyond mechanics to explore the deeper issues, ways of successfully managing the emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects of golf, "...the ultimate head game". Illus. by Christopher Peck. Green-and-Grey paper-on-boards. Slight edgewear; o/w VG+ in VG+ pictorial d.j. with slight chipping and rubbing. $6.00
[92] Player, Gary, with Thatcher, Floyd. World Golfer. Waco, Texas: Word Books, Hard Cover. Sm. 8 vo., l93 pp. 1st Ed. (1974) Green cloth. A little edgewear; Green remainder dot on bottom edge; minor shelfwear; prev. owner's name on f.e.p.; o/w VG in Good+ chipped d.j. $7.00
[605] Rodriguez, Juan "Chi Chi", with Chuck Fitt. Everybody's Golf Book. N.Y.: Viking Press, Hard Cover. 8 vo., 152 pp., incl. photo frontis of Chi Chi and many b/w drawings. 1975. lst ed. In his foreword, Byron Nelson writes: "Chi Chi has all the credentials to write this excellent instruction book." Green/White pictorial cover. A little edgewear; prev. owner's address sticker on f.e.p.; o/w VG. $7.50
[94] Rubenstein, Lorne. Touring Prose: Writings on Golf. Random House, Tor. l992. lst ed., Hard Cover. 8 vo., 355 pp. A marvellous collection of the author's best columns spanning from 1979 to 1992, touching upon just about every aspect of the game of golf. Cream cloth. Near Fine in rubbed, but VG d.j. $8.00
[2668] Smith, Patricia Jean. Golf Widow's Revenge, The. Chicago: Contemporary Books, Hard Cover. 12 mo., 151 pp. 1st Ed. (1986) Very funny writing based on the author's own experiences after her young husband's doctor advised him to take up golf. Yellow cloth. Minor edgewear; poor paper somewhat discoloured; one page corner bent; o/w VG+ in VG d.j. with minor chipping and rubbing. $6.00
[1087] Strange, Curtis and Van Kampen, Kenneth. Win and Win Again! Techniques for Playing Consistently Great Golf. Chicago: Contemporary Books, Hard Cover. Sq. 4 to., 228 pp. incl. many diagrams and photos, plus an 8-page colour photo section. (1990) lst ed. Strange gives a complete course in preswing fundamentals, incl. the essential "connection theory," and demonstrates his methods for shotmaking, the short game, and trouble play. Blue paper-on-boards with White cloth spine. Slight edgewear, o/w VG+ in G+ d.j. that's slightly chipped, price-clipped and has a slightly faded spine. $6.50
[96] Strawn, John. Driving the Green: The Making of a Golf Course. N.Y.: Harper Collins, 1991. 1st Ed.. Hard Cover. The author's engaging story of the building of the Ironhorse golf course in Florida. 8 vo., 344 pp. Green paper-covered boards with Green cloth spine. A little shelfwear, o/w VG+ in rubbed, but VG d.j. $9.00
[1701] Various. America's Golf Book. N.Y.: Charles Scribner's Sons, Hard Cover. Sq. 8 vo., 291 pp. (1970) 1st ed. Prepared by the Editors of Golf Magazine. The book is divided into several logical categories: history, instruction, great courses and course architects, equipment, the leading organizations, great resorts and records of the major championships. Photographic e.p.'s, plus several dozen other b/w photos. Handsome Yellow/Green cloth binding with embossed White flag for the 18th hole. Minor shelf-wear; o/w VG+ in G+ pictorial d.j. that's been price-clipped and is heavily chipped. $8.00
[3232] Vaughan, Roger. Golf: the Woman's Game. New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, Hard Cover. Sq. 4 to., 159 pp. 1st Edition. 2001. This lavishly-illustrated book documents 100 years of participation by American women in the legendary game of golf. Includes recollections of and interviews with many champions. Foreword by Nancy Lopez. Green glossy paper-covered boards. Near Fine in slightly chipped and rubbed VG+ pictorial d.j. $11.00
[99] Whitehead, Eric. Hathstauwk: The Story of Capilano Golf and Country Club. Vancouver: Capilano Golf and Country Club, Hard Cover. Sm. 4 to., 144 pp. plus 16 pp. of b/w photos and 16 pp. of colour photos. (l98l) lst and only ed. One of 2000 copies printed. In the language of the North Shore Indians, "hathstauwk" means "beautiful view" and this course layout has that for sure. Green cloth. Minor edgewear; o/w VG+ in G+ chipped and rubbed pictorial d.j. with two short taped tears. $12.00
[100] Wild, Roland. Golf: The Loneliest Game. Vancouver, B.C.: Mitchell Press, Cloth. 8 vo., l29 pp. (l969) lst ed. Humourous illus. by Lew Saw. Green cloth. VG+ in taped and heavily-rubbed, but still Good d.j. $6.00
End of Books on Golf Page Two